Arturo Fuente Hemingway
Showing 13–14 of 14 results
Arturo Fuente Hemingway Masterpiece – 5 pack
Cigar Length9Ring Gauge52SizePerfectoStrengthMedium-FullOriginDominican RepublicOut of stock
What a magnificent cigar! A 9 x 52 perfecto hand made by the best of the best. All Hemingway cigars are made completely by hand & are packed in hand-turned cedar boxes. The taste of the Arturo Fuente Hemingway Masterpiece cigar with its flawless appearance is the result of the most exacting quality control inspection in the industry. Limited availability. Located in Santiago, Dominican Republic, Tabacalera A. Fuente is the single largest family owned cigar manufacturer in the world, and the multi-generational family of cigar makers considered by many to be the first family of the cigar world. Questions about Arturo Fuente Hemingway Masterpiece cigars? Call, email or contact us via social media anytime 24-7! Worldwide cigar delivery on all Hemingway cigars!$91.00What a magnificent cigar! A 9 x 52 perfecto hand made by the best of the best. All Hemingway cigars are made completely by hand & are packed in hand-turned cedar boxes. The taste of the Arturo Fuente Hemingway Masterpiece cigar with its flawless appearance is the result of the most exacting quality control inspection in the industry. Limited availability.
Located in Santiago, Dominican Republic, Tabacalera A. Fuente is the single largest family owned cigar manufacturer in the world, and the multi-generational family of cigar makers considered by many to be the first family of the cigar world.
Questions about Arturo Fuente Hemingway Masterpiece cigars? Call, email or contact us via social media anytime 24-7! Worldwide cigar delivery on all Hemingway cigars!
Arturo Fuente Hemingway Masterpiece – Box of 10
Cigar Length9Ring Gauge52SizePerfectoStrengthMedium-FullOriginDominican RepublicOut of stock
The superb taste of the Hemingway Masterpiece cigar along with its flawless appearance is the result of the most exacting quality control inspection in the cigar industry. All Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigars are made completely by hand then carefully packed in hand-turned cedar wood boxes. Hemingway cigars are always on a limited availability basis, as quite simply they really don't make enough of them to meet demand. Speaking with Tobacco Business Magazine, Carlito Fuente said, “Hemingway is very special and dear to my heart because I really believe that Hemingway is a product that brought the industry back and brought back the [Figurado] art that had been lost for decades.” We're always here to provide you with more info on our cigar service and on Arturo Fuente Hemingway Masterpiece cigars. So Call, email or contact us via social media anytime, 24-7! International cigar delivery is always available on all Hemingway cigars.$222.00The superb taste of the Hemingway Masterpiece cigar along with its flawless appearance is the result of the most exacting quality control inspection in the cigar industry. All Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigars are made completely by hand then carefully packed in hand-turned cedar wood boxes. Hemingway cigars are always on a limited availability basis, as quite simply they really don’t make enough of them to meet demand.
Speaking with Tobacco Business Magazine, Carlito Fuente said, “Hemingway is very special and dear to my heart because I really believe that Hemingway is a product that brought the industry back and brought back the [Figurado] art that had been lost for decades.”
We’re always here to provide you with more info on our cigar service and on Arturo Fuente Hemingway Masterpiece cigars. So Call, email or contact us via social media anytime, 24-7! International cigar delivery is always available on all Hemingway cigars.
Showing 13–14 of 14 results
Arturo Fuente Hemingway Cigars FAQs
What tobaccos make up the Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigar blend?
The Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigar blend features a Dominican filler and binder with a Cameroon wrapper. The filler and binder tobaccos are grown in the Cibao Valley of the Dominican Republic, renowned for its rich, fertile soil and ideal climate for tobacco cultivation. The Cameroon wrapper, sourced from West Africa, is prized for its sweet and spicy characteristics, which complement the smooth and complex flavors of the Dominican tobaccos.
What is the flavor profile of Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigars?
Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigars are known for their rich and nuanced flavor profile. Smokers can expect a harmonious blend of cedar, leather, and earth, with subtle notes of sweet spice, coffee, and hints of cocoa. The Cameroon wrapper adds a distinctive touch of sweetness and a hint of spice, making for a smooth, medium-bodied smoke that is both complex and balanced. Let us know your tasting notes on these gems. Drop us an email or better still write your own review on the product detail page of your favorite Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigar.
What cigar sizes are there in the Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigar line?
Here’s your quick guide to available Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigar sizes:
Arturo Fuente Hemingway Short Story, 4 x 49
Arturo Fuente Hemingway Best Seller, 4.5 x 55
Arturo Fuente Hemingway Work of Art, 4.875 x 56
Arturo Fuente Hemingway Signature, 6 x 47
Arturo Fuente Hemingway Classic, 7 x 48
Arturo Fuente Hemingway Masterpiece, 9 x 52
For the latest availability and Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigars releases, head over to our main brand list drop-down menu at the top of this page, where we update, pretty much every day, the most recent cigar offerings and releases from hundreds of premium cigar brands.
What awards and accolades have Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigars received?
Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigars have received numerous awards and accolades over the years. They have consistently been rated highly by Cigar Aficionado, with several entries in their Top 25 Cigars list. Among the highest rated cigars within the brand are:
Arturo Fuente Hemingway Work of Art – Rated 94
Arturo Fuente Hemingway Short Story – Rated 93
Arturo Fuente Hemingway Classic – Rated 92
Any suggestions as to a good beverage pairing with Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigars?
Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigars pair well with a variety of beverages. A medium-bodied single malt Scotch or a well-aged rum enhances the cigar’s rich flavors. For those who prefer wine, a robust red like a Merlot or a Malbec can complement the earthy and spicy notes. Additionally, a good quality coffee or espresso can provide a delightful pairing, bringing out the cigar’s subtle sweetness and complexity.
Who is the Master Blender overseeing Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigars?
The Master Blender behind Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigars currently is Carlos “Carlito” Fuente Jr. He is a third-generation cigar maker who has played a pivotal role in the development of the Hemingway line, as well as other iconic cigars like the Opus X and Don Carlos. Carlito Fuente’s expertise and dedication to quality have earned him numerous accolades, including countless cigars earning super-high ratings from Cigar Aficionado, and he is recognized as one of the top cigar makers in the world.
Where are Arturo Fuente Hemingway Cigars manufactured?
Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigars are made exclusively at the Tabacalera A. Fuente cigar factory in Santiago, Dominican Republic. Built in 1980, this factory is renowned for its expert craftsmanship and exclusive use of premium tobaccos.
What is the history of the Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigar brand?
The Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigar brand was created to honor the legacy of Ernest Hemingway, the famed author and cigar aficionado. Introduced in the 1980s, the Hemingway line features a unique perfecto shape that requires exceptional skill to roll. The blend uses premium Dominican tobaccos and a Cameroon wrapper, resulting in a rich and complex flavor profile. The brand quickly gained acclaim for its quality and craftsmanship, becoming one of the most popular and highly rated lines in the Arturo Fuente portfolio.
How do you package Hemingway cigars for international shipment?
First, most non-Cuban cigars these days including Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigars, are individually protected with a clear cello-wrapper to ensure their quality, then placed inside a sturdy cigar box, which is itself also cello-wrapped. When shipping a full cigar box, we take additional precautions by wrapping the box itself for added protection then securely packing it in a robust cardboard shipping carton. The shipping box is then sealed with a heavy application of packing tape to prevent any damage during transit. Loose cigars, 5 packs, and our cigar samplers are carefully placed in airtight ziplock bags, accompanied by a Boveda HumiPak to maintain ideal humidity levels during shipment. The Boveda packs are effective for weeks, ensuring that your Arturo Fuente cigars arrive at your door fresh and in perfect condition. We’ve been doing this for a long time. With thousands of shipments sent to every corner of the world each year, we rarely encounter issues with damage or quality. However, should such a situation arise, we offer a straightforward solution – by gladly re-shipping your order at no additional cost to you. As always, we aim to provide a hassle-free buying experience with any issue solved quickly and efficiently – no problem, no debates, no complications.
Do you ship cigars to my country?
We ship Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigars to most countries worldwide. Certainly all nations where cigar imports are allowed. You can easily check this by viewing the countries list in the drop-down menu on our checkout page.
Could there be tax & duty to pay on an international order?
As with any item shipped internationally, there is a possibility of tax & duty fees when ordering Arturo Fuente cigars or any cigar brand. Often packages clear with no issues, but some packages are taxed. We recommend checking with your domestic customs service as to the rules in your country, and their rates.
Where do you source your Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigars?
All our cigars, including Arturo Fuente cigars are sourced either directly from the manufacturers themselves or from manufacturer appointed, fully authorized official distributors.
How long has Absolute Cigars been in business?
Is Absolute Cigars licensed to sell cigars?
Yes. We are a fully licensed cigar distributor, registered, and holding a current and valid OTP license issued by the State of Virginia, Department of Taxation.