Avo Classic Maduro No. 2 Toro – Box of 25
Avo Classic Maduro No 2 cigars are luxury grade premiums that are rich in flavor and mild-bodied. A perfect blend of five tobaccos offering smokers a perfectly balanced cigar. The line, which was first introduced in 1987, is hand made in Santiago, Dominican Republic.
This is a brand under the wing of Davidoff. World renowned Davidoff Cigars was founded in 1968 in Switzerland by Zino Davidoff. Today the name is synonymous with cigar luxury, sophistication, and top quality. The Davidoff cigar range is meticulously crafted using the finest tobacco from regions all over the world. Renowned for impeccable quality, superb flavors, and excellent construction, Davidoff cigars offer a truly premium cigar smoking experience.
The Avo Classic Maduro cigar brand can be hard to find in many countries worldwide. But rest assured indeed, as with all our premium hand-rolled cigars, Avo cigars are available for international cigar delivery here from AbsoluteCigars.com. Our worldwide cigar shipping service is widely known in the cigar world as we've been serving cigar lovers in just about every corner of the globe for over a quarter century. Place your order today and we'll get your Avo Classic Maduro No 2 cigars on their way to your door via trackable international air service.
Avo Classic Maduro No 2 cigars are luxury grade premiums that are rich in flavor and mild-bodied. A perfect blend of five tobaccos offering smokers a perfectly balanced cigar. The line, which was first introduced in 1987, is hand made in Santiago, Dominican Republic.
This is a brand under the wing of Davidoff. World renowned Davidoff Cigars was founded in 1968 in Switzerland by Zino Davidoff. Today the name is synonymous with cigar luxury, sophistication, and top quality. The Davidoff cigar range is meticulously crafted using the finest tobacco from regions all over the world. Renowned for impeccable quality, superb flavors, and excellent construction, Davidoff cigars offer a truly premium cigar smoking experience.
The Avo Classic Maduro cigar brand can be hard to find in many countries worldwide. But rest assured indeed, as with all our premium hand-rolled cigars, Avo cigars are available for international cigar delivery here from AbsoluteCigars.com. Our worldwide cigar shipping service is widely known in the cigar world as we’ve been serving cigar lovers in just about every corner of the globe for over a quarter century. Place your order today and we’ll get your Avo Classic Maduro No 2 cigars on their way to your door via trackable international air service.