Cohiba Nicaragua

From the cigar artisans of Cohiba comes the brand’s first Nicaraguan cigar. Blended with the finest hand-selected leaves from the volcanic soils of Estelí and Jalapa, Cohiba Nicaragua cigars are full in flavor and intricately balanced. A rich, creamy premium cigars that’s peppered with bold notes of fine spice, ideal for those occasions that simply call for a fine, handmade cigar.

Showing all 8 results

  • Cohiba Nicaragua Pequenos – Pack of 30

    Cigar Length
    Ring Gauge
    Dominican Republic
    The super-premium Cohiba Nicaragua Pequenos is a deeply satisfying Dominican cigar, full and rich in flavor, yet not at all overpowering. A mild-to-medium premium cigars with toasty, wood flavor in a blend that sets the standard among premium Dominican cigars. The Cohiba cigar took years to develop. With it's dark, rich wrapper leaf is grown in the sub-tropical West African climate of Cameroon. The binder is a supple and flavorful Jember leaf from Indonesia, while the Dominican Piloto Cubano filler balances the richness of the wrapper. A premium blend with a well-renowned reputation for quality and flavor. The Dominican Cohiba Cigar brand can be hard to find internationally.  But rest assured, as our worldwide regular customers know all our hand-rolled cigars including our range of Cohibas are available for international cigar delivery here from  Our worldwide cigar shipping service has been here for you, serving cigar fans in just about every corner of the globe for over 25 years.  Place your order today and we'll get your  Cohiba Red Dot cigars on their way to your door via trackable international air service, with guaranteed satisfaction. Have questions about Cohiba Nicaragua Pequenos cigars or about our international cigar service?  We've got the answers and guidance for you!  Check-in with us anytime by email, or direct message us through any of our social media channels.  We're always pleased to assist!  As always, international cigar shipping is available on all our fine Cohiba Nicaragua cigars.  

    The super-premium Cohiba Nicaragua Pequenos is a deeply satisfying Dominican cigar, full and rich in flavor, yet not at all overpowering. A mild-to-medium premium cigars with toasty, wood flavor in a blend that sets the standard among premium Dominican cigars. The Cohiba cigar took years to develop. With it’s dark, rich wrapper leaf is grown in the sub-tropical West African climate of Cameroon. The binder is a supple and flavorful Jember leaf from Indonesia, while the Dominican Piloto Cubano filler balances the richness of the wrapper. A premium blend with a well-renowned reputation for quality and flavor.

    The Dominican Cohiba Cigar brand can be hard to find internationally.  But rest assured, as our worldwide regular customers know all our hand-rolled cigars including our range of Cohibas are available for international cigar delivery here from  Our worldwide cigar shipping service has been here for you, serving cigar fans in just about every corner of the globe for over 25 years.  Place your order today and we’ll get your  Cohiba Red Dot cigars on their way to your door via trackable international air service, with guaranteed satisfaction.

    Have questions about Cohiba Nicaragua Pequenos cigars or about our international cigar service?  We’ve got the answers and guidance for you!  Check-in with us anytime by email, or direct message us through any of our social media channels.  We’re always pleased to assist!  As always, international cigar shipping is available on all our fine Cohiba Nicaragua cigars.


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  • Cohiba Black Seleccion Suprema – 6 Cigar Sampler

    Cigar Length
    Dominican Republic
    From one of the premier names in the cigar world, comes this unique Cohiba cigar sampler. A must have selection of fine Cohibas from across the various Cohiba cigar lines.  We select the best of the best Cohibas on our shelves on the day of your order, including any new arrivals or any special releases we may have at the time.  We also try to get as many of the Cohiba lines into each sampler, to give you variety.  So cigars included will vary day-to-day, but typically included in your selection would be, for example -  Cohiba Red Dot, Cohiba Black, Cohiba Puro Dominicana Limited Release, Cohiba Blue, Cohiba Toro Tubo, Cohiba Nicaragua. Questions about our Cohiba cigar sampler or any of our Cohiba products? Check-in with us by email anytime, or contact us through our social media channels. We're always pleased to assist!  International cigar shipping on all Cohiba cigars.  

    From one of the premier names in the cigar world, comes this unique Cohiba cigar sampler. A must have selection of fine Cohibas from across the various Cohiba cigar lines.  We select the best of the best Cohibas on our shelves on the day of your order, including any new arrivals or any special releases we may have at the time.  We also try to get as many of the Cohiba lines into each sampler, to give you variety.  So cigars included will vary day-to-day, but typically included in your selection would be, for example –  Cohiba Red Dot, Cohiba Black, Cohiba Puro Dominicana Limited Release, Cohiba Blue, Cohiba Toro Tubo, Cohiba Nicaragua.

    Questions about our Cohiba cigar sampler or any of our Cohiba products? Check-in with us by email anytime, or contact us through our social media channels. We’re always pleased to assist!  International cigar shipping on all Cohiba cigars.


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  • Cohiba Nicaragua N54 Toro – Box of 16

    Cigar Length
    Ring Gauge
    Cohiba Nicaragua N54 cigars are premium handmade Nicaraguan cigars - a first for Cohiba that has, with this unique cigar, perfectly captured the luxurious expression of the flavor and complexity of Nicaraguan tobacco.  The line is a bolder profile than most other Cohiba cigar blends.  Cohiba Nicaragua cigars are handcrafted with the finest hand-selected leaves from the Estelí and Jalapa regions, and are crowned with a lustrous Colorado oscuro wrapper.  A medium to full in bodied cigar offering a flavor profile of aromatic cedar, leather notes, and satisfying hint of sweetness on the finish. As you would expect from Cohiba, the construction of this premium cigar is yet another example of Cohiba' s high standard of cigar rolling expertise.  Cohiba Nicaragua cigars usher in an entirely new dimension of taste for the Cohiba cigar portfolio, the brand’s first cigar to be blended and handcrafted in Nicaragua . Packaged in an attractively stylish wooden box that Cohiba collectors will want in their box collections.  Also available in a 5 pack format for those not ready to commit to a full box. Cohiba Nicaragua N54 cigars are always available for international cigar delivery, and of course we guarantee your full satisfaction. Call or email for more info on Cohiba Nicaragua cigars.

    Cohiba Nicaragua N54 cigars are premium handmade Nicaraguan cigars – a first for Cohiba that has, with this unique cigar, perfectly captured the luxurious expression of the flavor and complexity of Nicaraguan tobacco.  The line is a bolder profile than most other Cohiba cigar blends.  Cohiba Nicaragua cigars are handcrafted with the finest hand-selected leaves from the Estelí and Jalapa regions, and are crowned with a lustrous Colorado oscuro wrapper.  A medium to full in bodied cigar offering a flavor profile of aromatic cedar, leather notes, and satisfying hint of sweetness on the finish. As you would expect from Cohiba, the construction of this premium cigar is yet another example of Cohiba’ s high standard of cigar rolling expertise.  Cohiba Nicaragua cigars usher in an entirely new dimension of taste for the Cohiba cigar portfolio, the brand’s first cigar to be blended and handcrafted in Nicaragua . Packaged in an attractively stylish wooden box that Cohiba collectors will want in their box collections.  Also available in a 5 pack format for those not ready to commit to a full box.

    Cohiba Nicaragua N54 cigars are always available for international cigar delivery, and of course we guarantee your full satisfaction. Call or email for more info on Cohiba Nicaragua cigars.

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  • Cohiba Nicaragua N54 Toro – 5 Pack

    Cigar Length
    Ring Gauge
    Cohiba Nicaragua N54 cigars are premium handmade Nicaraguan cigars - a first for Cohiba that has perfectly captured the luxurious expression of the flavor and complexity of Nicaraguan tobacco.  Cohiba Nicaragua cigars are made with the finest hand-selected leaves from the Estelí and Jalapa regions, and are crowned with a lustrous Colorado oscuro wrapper. Cohiba Nicaragua ushers in an entirely new dimension of taste for the Cohiba cigar portfolio, the brand’s first cigar to be blended and handcrafted in Nicaragua.  Cohiba Nicaragua cigars are available in a wide range of sizes, including the highly rated Cohiba Nicaragua N54, all available here from Absolute Cigars, and always with worldwide cigar delivery to your door. Further, Cohiba Nicaragua Toro cigar 5 packs are shipped with a state-of-the-art Boveda humipack, ensuring your premium cigars are properly humidified as they travel the globe and arrive at your door in perfect condition. We pack all cigars with care and we always go heavy on the packaging, so your order arrives securely and ready to fire up! Cohiba Nicaragua N54 cigars are available for international cigar delivery, and as always - we guarantee for full satisfaction on every order. Call or email for more info on Cohiba Nicaragua cigars.  We're here to help!

    Cohiba Nicaragua N54 cigars are premium handmade Nicaraguan cigars – a first for Cohiba that has perfectly captured the luxurious expression of the flavor and complexity of Nicaraguan tobacco.  Cohiba Nicaragua cigars are made with the finest hand-selected leaves from the Estelí and Jalapa regions, and are crowned with a lustrous Colorado oscuro wrapper. Cohiba Nicaragua ushers in an entirely new dimension of taste for the Cohiba cigar portfolio, the brand’s first cigar to be blended and handcrafted in Nicaragua.  Cohiba Nicaragua cigars are available in a wide range of sizes, including the highly rated Cohiba Nicaragua N54, all available here from Absolute Cigars, and always with worldwide cigar delivery to your door. Further, Cohiba Nicaragua Toro cigar 5 packs are shipped with a state-of-the-art Boveda humipack, ensuring your premium cigars are properly humidified as they travel the globe and arrive at your door in perfect condition. We pack all cigars with care and we always go heavy on the packaging, so your order arrives securely and ready to fire up!

    Cohiba Nicaragua N54 cigars are available for international cigar delivery, and as always – we guarantee for full satisfaction on every order. Call or email for more info on Cohiba Nicaragua cigars.  We’re here to help!

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  • Cohiba Nicaragua N60 Gigante – Box of 16

    Cigar Length
    Ring Gauge
    Cohiba Nicaragua N60 cigars are hefty 6 x 60 Nicaraguan cigars - a first for Cohiba that has perfectly captured the luxurious expression of the flavor and complexity of Nicaraguan tobacco.  Cohiba Nicaragua Gigante cigars are made with the finest hand-selected leaves from the Estelí and Jalapa regions, and are crowned with a lustrous Colorado oscuro wrapper. Cohiba Nicaragua ushers in an entirely new dimension of taste for the Cohiba cigar portfolio, the brand’s first cigar to be blended and handcrafted in Nicaragua . Packaged in an attractively stylish wooden box that Cohiba collectors will want in their collections.. Cohiba Nicaragua Gigante cigars are available for worldwide cigar shipping, and as always - we guarantee your full satisfaction with your premium cigar order.  

    Cohiba Nicaragua N60 cigars are hefty 6 x 60 Nicaraguan cigars – a first for Cohiba that has perfectly captured the luxurious expression of the flavor and complexity of Nicaraguan tobacco.  Cohiba Nicaragua Gigante cigars are made with the finest hand-selected leaves from the Estelí and Jalapa regions, and are crowned with a lustrous Colorado oscuro wrapper. Cohiba Nicaragua ushers in an entirely new dimension of taste for the Cohiba cigar portfolio, the brand’s first cigar to be blended and handcrafted in Nicaragua . Packaged in an attractively stylish wooden box that Cohiba collectors will want in their collections..

    Cohiba Nicaragua Gigante cigars are available for worldwide cigar shipping, and as always – we guarantee your full satisfaction with your premium cigar order.


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  • Cohiba Nicaragua N60 Gigante – 5 Pack

    Cigar Length
    Ring Gauge
    Cohiba Nicaragua Gignante N60 cigars are hefty 6 x 60 Nicaraguan cigars - a first for Cohiba that has perfectly captured the luxurious expression of the flavor and complexity of Nicaraguan tobacco.  Cohiba Gigante Nicaragua cigars are made with the finest hand-selected leaves from the Estelí and Jalapa regions, and are crowned with a lustrous Colorado oscuro wrapper. Cohiba Nicaragua ushers in an entirely new dimension of taste for the Cohiba cigar portfolio, the brand’s first cigar to be blended and handcrafted in Nicaragua . Packaged in an attractively stylish wooden box that Cohiba collectors will want in their collections.. Cohiba Nicaragua N60 cigars are available for worldwide cigar shipping, and as always - we guarantee delivery internationally. Call or email for more info on Cohiba Nicaragua cigars.  

    Cohiba Nicaragua Gignante N60 cigars are hefty 6 x 60 Nicaraguan cigars – a first for Cohiba that has perfectly captured the luxurious expression of the flavor and complexity of Nicaraguan tobacco.  Cohiba Gigante Nicaragua cigars are made with the finest hand-selected leaves from the Estelí and Jalapa regions, and are crowned with a lustrous Colorado oscuro wrapper. Cohiba Nicaragua ushers in an entirely new dimension of taste for the Cohiba cigar portfolio, the brand’s first cigar to be blended and handcrafted in Nicaragua . Packaged in an attractively stylish wooden box that Cohiba collectors will want in their collections..

    Cohiba Nicaragua N60 cigars are available for worldwide cigar shipping, and as always – we guarantee delivery internationally. Call or email for more info on Cohiba Nicaragua cigars.


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  • Cohiba La Habana, Cuba Sign Poster Print, 22 x 14.8

    United States
    A truly unique Cohiba item.  A stunningly crisp photo print poster of the only Cohiba cigar sign we've ever seen.  This is a high quality photo print of a vintage Cohiba Cigar Factory Sign.  A large size at 20 x 12.875 inches (total size of 22 x 14.875, including the edge border), makes this a great frameable piece for any Cuban cigar fan or collector.  This unique photo find is printed on semi-matt professional grade photo grade paper stock.
    Cohiba cigars are produced at the famous El Laguito cigar factory in Cuba, where they're hand rolled to perfection. The sign photographed bears the classic Cuban Cohiba logo with the famous indian head above dominating the center of the print.  Beneath the logo is the "La Habana, Cuba" script. The wooden sign pictured is old, weathered and has been beaten up over the years, giving it a vintage, classic, aged and distressed look and feel.
    It's hand-painted and looks like it's spent a century on the wall of the factory rolling room in Havana as the torceadores worked under its gaze in the heat rolling the leaves into works of art.
    This Cuban cigar print is a must have for cigar fans or even anyone with an interest in Cuban industrial history.  Perfect rustic decor for offices, restaurants, cigar bars or anywhere a unique Cuban work of art would be admired. A terrific talking point and a truly unique piece!  Note - the watermark shown in the images here do not appear on the actual print you get.  This photo print ships worldwide, rolled in a heavy duty tube.  Please note:  this is not a wooden sign, It is a print reproduction of a wooden sign.
    Also available in a smaller 12 inch wide print.  See our Cigar Art page to order.
    Questions about the Cohiba cigar sign Print poster? Email us anytime or contact us through any of our social media channels. International delivery is always available on all our Cohiba cigar products.
    A truly unique Cohiba item.  A stunningly crisp photo print poster of the only Cohiba cigar sign we’ve ever seen.  This is a high quality photo print of a vintage Cohiba Cigar Factory Sign.  A large size at 20 x 12.875 inches (total size of 22 x 14.875, including the edge border), makes this a great frameable piece for any Cuban cigar fan or collector.  This unique photo find is printed on semi-matt professional grade photo grade paper stock.
    Cohiba cigars are produced at the famous El Laguito cigar factory in Cuba, where they’re hand rolled to perfection. The sign photographed bears the classic Cuban Cohiba logo with the famous indian head above dominating the center of the print.  Beneath the logo is the “La Habana, Cuba” script. The wooden sign pictured is old, weathered and has been beaten up over the years, giving it a vintage, classic, aged and distressed look and feel.
    It’s hand-painted and looks like it’s spent a century on the wall of the factory rolling room in Havana as the torceadores worked under its gaze in the heat rolling the leaves into works of art.
    This Cuban cigar print is a must have for cigar fans or even anyone with an interest in Cuban industrial history.  Perfect rustic decor for offices, restaurants, cigar bars or anywhere a unique Cuban work of art would be admired. A terrific talking point and a truly unique piece!  Note – the watermark shown in the images here do not appear on the actual print you get.  This photo print ships worldwide, rolled in a heavy duty tube.  Please note:  this is not a wooden sign, It is a print reproduction of a wooden sign.
    Also available in a smaller 12 inch wide print.  See our Cigar Art page to order.
    Questions about the Cohiba cigar sign Print poster? Email us anytime or contact us through any of our social media channels. International delivery is always available on all our Cohiba cigar products.
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  • Cohiba Black La Habana, Cuba Sign Poster Print, 12 x 8 1/2

    United States
    Stunningly crisp photo print poster of the only Cohiba cigar sign we've ever seen.  This is a high quality photo print of a vintage Cohiba Cigar Factory Sign.  Easily frameable size at 12 x 8.5 inches including the one inch white border around the 10 x 6 1/2 inch image, makes this a great piece for any Cuban cigar fan or collector.  This unique image is printed on semi-matt archival grade photo paper stock.
    Cohiba cigars are produced at the famous El Laguito cigar factory in Cuba, where they're hand rolled to perfection. The sign photographed bears the classic Cuban Cohiba logo with the famous indian head above dominating the center of the print.  Beneath the logo is the "La Habana, Cuba" script. The wooden sign pictured is old, weathered and has been beaten up over the years, giving it a vintage, classic, aged and distressed look and feel.
    It's hand-painted and looks like it's spent a century on the wall of the factory rolling room in Havana as the torceadores worked under its gaze in the heat rolling the leaves into works of art.
    This Cuban cigar print is a must have for cigar fans or even anyone with an interest in Cuban industrial history.  Perfect rustic decor for offices, restaurants, cigar bars or anywhere a unique Cuban work of art would be admired. A terrific talking point and a truly unique piece!  Note - the watermark shown in the images here do not appear on the actual print you get.  This photo print ships worldwide, rolled in a heavy duty tube.  Please note:  this is not a wooden sign, but a print reproduction of a wooden sign.
    Also available in a larger 22 inch wide poster.  See our Cigar Art page to order.
    Questions about Cohiba cigar art? Email us anytime or contact us through any of our social media channels. Worldwide delivery on all our cigar art products.
    Stunningly crisp photo print poster of the only Cohiba cigar sign we’ve ever seen.  This is a high quality photo print of a vintage Cohiba Cigar Factory Sign.  Easily frameable size at 12 x 8.5 inches including the one inch white border around the 10 x 6 1/2 inch image, makes this a great piece for any Cuban cigar fan or collector.  This unique image is printed on semi-matt archival grade photo paper stock.
    Cohiba cigars are produced at the famous El Laguito cigar factory in Cuba, where they’re hand rolled to perfection. The sign photographed bears the classic Cuban Cohiba logo with the famous indian head above dominating the center of the print.  Beneath the logo is the “La Habana, Cuba” script. The wooden sign pictured is old, weathered and has been beaten up over the years, giving it a vintage, classic, aged and distressed look and feel.
    It’s hand-painted and looks like it’s spent a century on the wall of the factory rolling room in Havana as the torceadores worked under its gaze in the heat rolling the leaves into works of art.
    This Cuban cigar print is a must have for cigar fans or even anyone with an interest in Cuban industrial history.  Perfect rustic decor for offices, restaurants, cigar bars or anywhere a unique Cuban work of art would be admired. A terrific talking point and a truly unique piece!  Note – the watermark shown in the images here do not appear on the actual print you get.  This photo print ships worldwide, rolled in a heavy duty tube.  Please note:  this is not a wooden sign, but a print reproduction of a wooden sign.
    Also available in a larger 22 inch wide poster.  See our Cigar Art page to order.
    Questions about Cohiba cigar art? Email us anytime or contact us through any of our social media channels. Worldwide delivery on all our cigar art products.
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