José Orlando Padrón was born in Cuba in 1926 and grew up in a family of tobacco farmers. In the early 1960s, he left Cuba and settled in Miami, where in 1964 he started what was then a small cigar company. Padrón cigars quickly gained a reputation for their quality and consistency, and the company began to grow.
Over the years, Padrón Cigar Company has built on this recognition and is now known for producing superb highly rating cigars using Nicaraguan tobacco and hand-rolled by the very best torceadores in the Padron factory in Nicaragua, and available here for shipping worldwide.
Today, Padrón Cigar Company is a leading player in the cigar industry and is known for its commitment to producing the finest cigars in the world using only the highest quality tobacco. The company is still owned and operated by the Padrón family and is a third-generation family business.
As always, all our fine Padron Aniversario 1964 cigars are available for international cigar delivery, to your door, via our worldwide cigar shipping service.
Dog Vander –
That's the problem with limited release cigars…once you realise how great they are, they're all gone. Smoked my last one a few days ago. Rich and flavoursome, with spice, coffee, chocolate, and yet oh, so smooth. Now I'm looking for more!