Partagas Black Label cigars are remarkably full-flavored hand rolled cigars, that are, without doubt, one of the strongest and most flavor-packed premium cigars we sell. Partagas Black Label is meticulously constructed with a proprietary Connecticut Medio Tiempo sun-grown wrapper that’s sourced from the top primings of the plant, giving it its strength. Dark and oily providing a gentle draw, giving way to a smoking experience that’s packed with flavors of earth, spice, cocoa, and a kick of black pepper.
International cigar shipping is always available on all our Partagas Black Label cigars.
Philip Milley –
Suggested by my tobacconist to be a full flavoured heavy cigar. He suggested it as perfect for poker night. Boy was it fun to smoke! You must try this one, you will have a blast, plus it's a perfect price.
Tony –
I'm not a huge Partagas fan but I do think the <i>Partagas Black Label</i> line is their standout offering. Since they are well priced, I'll often toss one or two into my order with little to no thought. They are consistently well made, burn well and have a great flavor. At this price you should do the same.
Adrian –
Perfect construction, nice dark wrapper. A good maduro. Hints of pepper, strong taste all over. The taste is great, but what really stands out is how perfect and evenly it burns, every single time. A must at this price.