The much loved Partagas Cifuentes cigars are hand-rolled Dominican gems from one of the premier names in the cigar world. Packed with flavor these premium sticks are cloaked in a dark and toothy Cuban seed wrapper cultivated in the Dominican Republic. Inside are flavor packed Dominican Piloto Cubano long fillers. A true Dominican Puro cigar that’s smooth and deeply satisfying with flavors of oak, cream, pepper and earth tones, the Partagas Cifuentes is a go-to cigar for flavor, and available at a price point that won’t break the bank.
As always, Partagas Cifuentes cigars shipped worldwide with our international cigar delivery service.
edl131 –
This is one awesome smoke that is smooth and robust with almost a nutty flavor to it. This is absolutely a cigar that you want to have in your humidor.