Perfection takes time. For Rocky Patel Decade cigars, the perfect blend was 10 years in the making. The Decade presents a rare, sensational Sumatran wrapper rolled over a blend which is considered a secret combination of the finest tobaccos in the world. The end-result is certainly breathtaking. Complex, balanced, and elegant. This masterpiece by Rocky has earned widespread recognition including a rating of 95 points, making the Rocky Patel Decade cigar an instant classic.
As told by Rocky himself recently to Tobacco Business Magazine, “We’ve created a brand that has quality and consistency. The one thing you learn when you smoke a Rocky Patel cigar is that you’re going to get a consistent, great quality cigar. You’re going to get a cigar that is diverse and has a unique flavor and brand profile. It’s going to be fun, hip, sexy and cool.”
Nigel Swinn –
The Rocky Patel Decades are a deeply enjoyable experience. Great draw & flavours.