The Kentucky Fire Cured, a best selling line of unique cigars from Drew Estate. A premium cigar born from the brilliant mind of Jonathan Drew, a modern legend in the cigar industry. It’s renowned for its distinctive smoky flavor, drawn from their fire curing process, which imparts a deliciously sweet and unique taste. All Drew Estate Kentucky Fire Cured cigars shipped worldwide.
Since 1998, Drew Estate has been creating distinctive and innovative blends that have become some of the most popular and sought-after cigars in Nicaragua. With their cutting-edge mindset, they’ve created bold and original creations that have captured the cigar world’s attention, offering aficionados unique smoking experiences that push the boundaries of the industry. From the best-selling ACID cigars to premium lines like Nica Rustica, Joya de Nicaragua, Herrera Esteli, Undercrown, MUWAT, Tabak Especial, and many others, Drew Estate offers an exceptional range of cigars across a wide variety of premium cigar brands.
Alfred Thomas Humphreys –
First thing you notice is the smell Guy Fawkes night, great mild cigar and a good smoke this will become a favourite along with the Nica Rustica and the MUWAT Fire Cured.
Fast well packed delivery to UK.
Matt –
Great complex rich smokey flavour. Everyone should have some of these MUWATs in their humidor great with any good whiskey.
Enoque Neves –
If you like smokey whiskey, the Kentucky Fire Cured cigar for you. Strong camp fire smoke smell and tons of smoke. I love it. However, consistent but in the last third the fire cured flavor starts to disappears. I do recommend it.