Toscanello cigars shipped worldwide.
Toscanello Cioccolato – Pack of 50
Toscanello is a cornerstone of the Italian cigar tradition, produced by Manifatture Sigaro Toscano, a company deeply rooted in the country’s tobacco heritage. Unlike most cigars, Toscanellos are air-cured instead of fermented, resulting in a distinctive, earthy flavor profile. Crafted entirely from Italian tobacco, Toscanello Ciocollato cigars boast a unique composition. A 3 inch long cigar with a 38 ring gauge, the stick is made with a wrapper, binder, and filler are all derived from the same fire-cured tobacco, lending the cigar its characteristically robust and full-bodied character. A complex, highly aromatic flavor-bomb with a profile dominated by the seductive taste of fine chocolate, notes of earth, and leather, with a hint of sweetness that emerges as the cigar progresses.
Produced in the historic Manifatture Sigaro Toscano factory, which has been crafting Italian cigars since the late 1800s.
The Toscanello Ciocollato cigar offers a distinctive smoking experience, challenging the conventional notions of cigar flavor. Its bold character and rich, complex notes make it a perfect companion for a strong espresso or a glass of Amaro, an Italian bitter liqueur. Toscanello Ciocollato small cigars are available, as always, for worldwide cigar delivery. Entrega internacional de cigarros Toscanello a su puerta en todo el mundo.
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Shauly Abudi –
Very nice daily smoke.