Brick House cigars have become a highly in-demand cigar in the last few years and is now a best-selling brand in the US with a fast growing interest worldwide. Recent accolades include a Top 25 Cigars designation by Cigar Aficionado, as well as ‘Best Bargain Cigar’, along with multiple top cigar blog and web publication awards.
The origins of the Brick House cigars brand go way back. J.C. Newman originally launched Brick House as a true Cuban puro cigar made with the finest Havana tobaccos. So as to honor his family heritage, he had the Brick House label designed after his childhood home, which was the sole brick house in their small Hungarian village, where both locals as well as visitors would congregate every evening to eat, drink, smoke and socialize. The arrival of the Great Depression brought tough times and the end of the Brick House.
Fast forward 80 years. Grandsons Eric and Bobby Newman were determined to relaunch Brick House Cigars, and they did just that – using the most exquisite Nicaraguan tobaccos, wrapped in a deep hearty Havana Subido tobacco leaf, every Brick House cigar features a superb blend of fine Nicaraguan tobaccos meticulously handcrafted by master torceadores. Long aged in the mountains of Nicaragua, each Brick House cigar is a the re-realization of the Newman’s dream, along with, of course the modern art of rolling excellence, premium quality and master blending skills.