The artisans at Cohiba have given us yet another exquisite cigar Cohiba Riviera. A super-premium that breaks new ground for the most famous name in the business, as this is the first box-pressed cigar release from Cohiba and the only to feature the sough-after San Andrés wrapper. A medium bodied, three-country blend, the Cohiba Riviera cigar is a true luxury cigar and a uniquely Cohiba experience. Cohiba Riviera cigars shipped worldwide.
Cohiba Riviera Robusto – Box of 20
The most famous name in cigars breaks new ground on two fronts with this new brand. A super-premium, luxury cigar, that carries a super-premium price-tag of course. The first Cohiba with a rare Mexican San Andres wrapper finishing what is an exquisite cigar that features the first ever box-pressed construction, shaped to perfection by the artisans at Cohiba – the first time this has ever been implemented on a Cohiba cigar. The Cohiba Riviera Robusto is a 5 x 52 medium-to-full strength cigar, with it’s Mexican wrapper covering a Honduran broadleaf binder with a filler blend from the Nicaraguan regions of Condega and Esteli blended with Honduran leaves selected from the Jamastran and Entrada regions. At Cohiba they say that ‘exceptional hand-rolled cigars start with exceptional tobaccos’. With the history and reputation of Cohiba, comes an access to them to source some of the most highly sought-after tobacco seeds and leaves available in the world. Enjoy a truly distinctive Cohiba smoke offering notes of dark chocolate, coffee beans, and leather.
Our Cohiba Riviera Robusto 5 packs are shipped with a state-of-the-art Boveda humipack, ensuring your premium cigars are properly humidified as they travel the globe and arrive at your door in perfect condition. We pack all cigars with care and we always go heavy on the packaging, so your Cohiba Riviera cigar order arrives securely and ready to fire up!