Handcrafted in Nicaragua, Trinidad y Cia cigars are a terrific option for those seeking that rare combination of quality roll, flavor, and reasonable price. Made with short-filler tobaccos grown in the Dominican Republic, a Honduran binder and Sumatra-seed Ecuadorian wrapper, all brought together and rolled by top Nicaraguan rollers.
Trinidad y Cia cigars offer an rewarding smoking experience at the affordable price we’re all looking for when it comes to our everyday cigars. These handcrafted cigars are accessible to everyone, and offer a mild to medium-bodied profile with rich flavors of cedar, cream, and subtle spices, ensuring a delightful and consistent smoke. Ideal for both beginners and seasoned aficionados, Trinidad y Cia cigars deliver reliable quality and a refined experience. As one recent reviewer noted, “Trinidad y Cia cigars offer remarkable value with flavors that rival more expensive brands I’ve smoked.”
Trinidad cigars and all our fine premium brands are always available for worldwide cigar delivery.