One of the best cigars in the Alec Bradley Cigars vast top-rated portfolio, Alec Bradley Black Market Esteli handmade cigars are presented in eye catching and intriguing crate style boxes. Hand crafted by the famous Plasencia family, these gems feature perfectly aged Nicaraguan long fillers inside two rich binders, one Nicaraguan and the other Honduran, and finished with a top-quality Nicaraguan wrapper leaf. Enjoy a rich and savory medium-full bodied smoke, full of complex notes of spice, earth, pepper, coffee, nuts, and sweet cream on the finish.
From Alec Bradley Cigars founder, Alan Rubin, “I’ve noticed that many cigar enthusiasts know their favorite cigars come from Nicaragua, but the exact location remains a mystery. Since the term ‘black market’ alludes to things unidentified or shadowy, I felt compelled to bring Esteli, the cigar capital of Nicaragua, out of the shadows. Black Market Esteli pays homage to the importance of the city and every-thing it offers to cigar making.”
On the philosophy of what they do at Alec Bradley Cigars, founder Alan Rubin commented, “At the end of the day, we don’t save lives; we just try to make them better one hour at a time. It makes no difference whether you’re an oil tycoon or a gas station clerk; for that time that you sit and smoke together, you’re both able to enjoy the moment, no matter who you are—this is the experience we want to be a part of.
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