Don Tomas Clasico cigars represent Honduran heritage in cigar production in a cigar which delivers consistently with its rich flavor and well-balanced smooth characteristics that made the original Don Tomas brand an incredible success story and widely enjoyed premium cigar.
One of the most widely-known Honduran cigar brands, the Don Tomas Clasico cigar is surprisingly well-priced, considering they are widely praised and were named to Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 list (2006) and were awarded a ‘Best Buy’ designation from Cigar Insider.
Flawlessly constructed of well-aged tobaccos, the Don Tomas Clasico is a rich, medium-to -full bodied premium cigar blend, comprised of a sleek oily Honduran wrapper and a bold blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran long filler tobaccos. Enjoy notes of earth, cocoa, wood, nuts, and pepper tones. This indulgence will satisfy the experienced cigar smoker or any cigar fan seeking rich taste at a great price.
International cigar delivery is always available on all our fine Don Tomas cigars.
Rennaisance Man –
This has become my house cigar. The quality is outstanding and it's a great smoke. The price is so good that you never feel guilty smoking them as often as you like. When your non-cigar smoking buddy comes over and wants to bite the end off a cigar, smoke half of it and then throw at away… well, this is inexpensive enough to be a good starter cigar for him, but not so cheap that if he wants to develop – the taste – that he won't start to see what you're raving about.
Canada Stogie –
Can’t beat this Don Tomas cigar at the price. Better than most sticks three times the price. Excellent construction, great flavour, smooth as silk.
MarkoV –
4 stars due to the price. Not bad at all. After all, I've had plenty of cigars that were more expensive than this one and were not as good. Well worth the money!
theoldguy53 –
Easy to light. Burned straight and clean. I had one relight into the last third. A mild almost monochromatic smoke. Trying to capture an aura of the unlit stick, I sniffed it several times before lighting. The first thoughts of the unlit cigar were of a slight pepper and nutty, acorn aroma. It lit well and the first few puffs were salty and peppery. The salty nuance disappeared into the second third but the peppery flavor diminished slightly as it moved into the second third and then it stayed constant down to the nub. As the smoke progressed I detected a nutty, acorn flavor that reminded me somewhat of a burly based pipe tobacco. There was very little sweetness detected during the entire smoke so if you like sweet, there isn’t much here. It had a yeasty, bread tonal note that was low on the palate passband but detectable. It sort of danced in and out as the cigar smoked down. I would not call this a creamy smoking cigar in any way. It was a bit on the edgy side with the flavor components moving in and out. It’s overwhelming flavor note was of a grassy meadow. Not unpleasant, but just simply the key player on the detectable flavor scale. It was a one hour and thirty minute smoke. Very nice and mild and predictable in every way. Never overwhelming or strident, a better word would be bright, like a straight, golden Virginia pipe tobacco without any sweetness. Would I buy again? For me, no. I like a rather complex, deeper, richer full on smoke. Note I didn’t say stronger. To educate your palette, to be able to distinguish tobacco nuances and subtleties; I would definitely try a stick or two to establish as a baseline.