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Graycliff 1666 Robusto – Bundle of 20

Cigar Length
Ring Gauge
Availability: In Stock
Country of Origin
Graycliff cigars has established itself as being among the premier luxury brands among cigar aficionados internationally. The Graycliff 1666 Robusto was originally released to commemorate the year that Graycliff’s main building was constructed. Referred to as the “Pride of the Bahamas”, the iconic location is is a must-visit place when visiting Nassau, and considered a piece of cigar history.
The Graycliff 1666 Robusto cigar is a terrific handmade cigar crafted in Honduras with a near-perfect Costa Rican maduro leaf that’s dark with a nice oiliness. The blend is a rich tri-country blend of Honduran, Dominican, and Nicaraguan long-fillers that deliver a powerful, but smooth smoke initial notes of black pepper, mellowing to a chocolate and cedar note profile.  A great smoke to go with a nice scotch or whiskey.
We don’t just carry any old ordinary cigar bundles.  Rather our range is carefully selected, and made up only of cigars that  hit that rare sweet-spot of being top quality cigars; superb flavor; and available at a price that works for most guys.   Our highly popular Graycliff 1966 cigars, offer cigar lovers one of the best deals out there for premium cigars – simply delicious cigars, but leaving out the costly packaging,  the boxes, the fancy-stuff that doesn’t make cigars taste better, just look better.  You’re getting  just what you’re looking for: premium hand-rolled cigars at a price that works for your budget.
As always, all Graycliff cigars available for international cigar delivery.





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The Graycliff brand is synonymous with luxury.  Founded by Enrico Garzaroli, owner of the famous Graycliff resort in the Bahamas, the brand is known throughout worldwide for its high-quality cigars, and the Graycliff 1666 blend is no exception.

The Graycliff 1666 cigar was originally crafted to commemorate the year that the grand main building of the Graycliff Resort was constructed. Now referred to as the “Pride of the Bahamas”, the resort is a premier destination for visitors to Nassau. The Graycliff 1666 cigar is hand-rolled in Honduras and features a sleek Costa Rican maduro wrapper covering a blend consisting of Honduran, Dominican, and Nicaraguan long-fillers creating a rich and complex flavor profile. Enjoy the initial notes of black pepper, with chocolate and cedar flavors.

Graycliff 1666 cigars pair well with fine scotch or whiskey.

As always, all our fine Graycliff cigars are available for  worldwide cigar delivery.

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