From the connoisseurs to those new to cigars, people from all walks of life have been enchanted by the rich aromas, smooth taste, and texture of premium cigars. Within the vast world of premium cigars, Padron cigars stand out as one of the most sought-after cigars in the world. The art of cigar-making is steeped in tradition, and for true aficionados, there is no substitute for a high-quality, hand-rolled cigar. That’s where Padron cigars come in.

Founded in 1964 by José Orlando Padron, Padron Cigars quickly became renowned for their exquisite taste and unparalleled quality. Today, the Padron family continues to carry on their founder’s legacy, producing some of the most highly-regarded cigars in the world.

In this short guide, we’ll take a closer look at Padron cigars, including their history, manufacturing process, and what sets them apart from other premium cigar brands.


To truly appreciate the quality and craftsmanship of Padron cigars, it’s important to understand their rich history. José Orlando Padron was born in Cuba in 1926 and spent his early years working in the tobacco fields of Pinar del Rio. In 1961, he fled Cuba and settled in Miami, and was determined to make a name for himself in the cigar business. He started making cigars in a small workshop with just a few rollers. Then selling his cigars from a small table in the heart of Little Havana.

In 1964, Padron decided to start his own cigar company, using the skills and knowledge he had gained from his years in the tobacco industry. His goal was to create a cigar that could rival the best Cuban cigars, but with a unique flavor profile that would set it apart from the competition. In the early days, Padron cigars were not as popular as they are today. However, the quality of their cigars gradually caught the attention of cigar aficionados, and by the 1980s, they had become one of the most respected brands in the industry.

Padron cigars quickly gained a following among cigar aficionados, thanks to their rich, complex flavor and exceptional quality.

The Padron cigars name is of course tightly associated with Nicaragua and at the forefront of the industry there. But little known to most is that for a brief few years Padron operated a small cigar factory in Danlí, Honduras. From 1985 to 1990, the United States enforced an embargo on all Nicaraguan products, thus leading to all Padrón cigars being rolled in Honduras during this period, though Padron did not ever use Honduran tobacco. Following the embargo Padron resumed production in Nicaragua, but maintained the small Honduran factory, supplementing production to meet the huge demand for their premium cigars during the 1990s cigar boom. With capacity expansion in Nicaragua, the Honduran factory was shuttered in 2007, consolidating cigar production exclusively in Nicaragua.

Today, the Padron family continues to produce their cigars in Nicaragua, using the same traditional techniques and attention to detail that have made them a household name. Over the years, Padron cigars have won numerous awards and accolades, cementing their position as one of the top cigar brands in the world. In 2004 Cigar Aficionado made the Padron 1926 40th Anniversary, their first ever No. 1 ranked “Cigar of the Year”.  They have since won this accolade three additional times, including 2021, winning for the Padron’s 1964 Anniversary Series Torpedo cigar, further solidifying the brand’s reputation.


One of the hallmarks of Padron cigars is their commitment to using only the finest tobacco and traditional manufacturing techniques. Here’s a closer look at the manufacturing process behind Padron cigars:


With so many premium cigar brands on the market, what sets Padron cigars apart? Here are just a few of the things that make Padron cigars truly special:


Padron cigars come in a variety of different blends, each with its own unique flavor profile. Here are some of the most popular Padron cigar blends:

Padron 1964 Anniversary Series:

This is one of Padron’s most popular blends, and for good reason. It is made with Nicaraguan tobacco that has been aged for four years, resulting in a smooth, complex flavor profile.

Padron 1926 Anniversary Series
This is Padron’s flagship blend, and it is considered one of the best cigars in the world. It is made with Nicaraguan tobacco that has been aged

Padron Family Reserve
This blend is made in honor of the Padron family’s 50th anniversary in the cigar business. It is made with tobacco that has been aged for at least ten years, resulting in a rich, full-bodied flavor.  Buy Padron Family Reserve cigars at
Padron Classic:
This is most widely available cigar in the Padron lineup, and it is made with a mix of Nicaraguan tobacco that has been aged for at least three years. It has a medium to full-bodied flavor profile.  Buy Padron Classic Cigars at

Padron Damaso
This is a departure from Padron’s traditional blends, as it is made with a Connecticut-seed wrapper and a mix of Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers. It has a milder flavor profile compared to other Padron cigars, making it a good choice for those who are new to cigar smoking.


Padron cigars have received numerous awards and accolades over the years, cementing their reputation as some of the finest cigars in the world. Here are just a few of the honors that Padron cigars have received:
These awards are a testament to the quality and craftsmanship that goes into every Padron cigar. Whether you’re smoking a Padron Family Reserve or a Padron 1964 Anniversary Series, you can be sure that you’re experiencing a cigar that has been crafted with care and attention to detail.


Padron cigars consistently receive high ratings from Cigar Aficionado, and many of their cigars have been featured on the magazine’s Top 25 Cigars of the Year list. Here are some of the Padron cigars with the highest ratings:

The Padron Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro is a full-bodied cigar with a rich and complex flavor profile. The wrapper is a dark and oily Maduro leaf that is aged for a minimum of three years, which gives the cigar a deep, chocolatey flavor with notes of espresso and earth. The fillers are a blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos, which add complexity and depth to the flavor. The smoke is smooth and creamy, with a long and satisfying finish.

The Padron 1926 Serie No. 2 is a full-bodied cigar that is packed with flavor. The wrapper is a dark and oily Maduro leaf that is aged for five years, which gives the cigar a rich, sweet flavor with notes of chocolate and coffee. The fillers are a blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos that are also aged for five years, which adds complexity and depth to the flavor. The smoke is smooth and creamy, with a long and satisfying finish.
The Padron 1964 Anniversary Series Exclusivo Maduro is a full-bodied cigar with a rich and complex flavor profile. The wrapper is a dark and oily Maduro leaf that is aged for four years, which gives the cigar a deep, chocolatey flavor with notes of coffee and earth. The fillers are a blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos that are also aged for four years, which adds complexity and depth to the flavor. The smoke is smooth and creamy, with a long and satisfying finish.
The Padron Family Reserve No. 85 Maduro is a full-bodied cigar with a rich and complex flavor profile. The wrapper is a dark and oily Maduro leaf that is aged for a minimum of three years, which gives the cigar a deep, chocolatey flavor with notes of coffee and earth. The fillers are a blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos that are also aged for a minimum of three years, which adds complexity and depth to the flavor. The smoke is smooth and creamy, with a long and satisfying finish.

The Padron 1964 Anniversary Series Torpedo Maduro is a full-bodied cigar with a complex and flavorful profile. The wrapper is a dark and oily Maduro leaf that is aged for four years, which gives the cigar a rich, sweet flavor with notes of chocolate and coffee. The fillers are a blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos that are also aged for four years, which adds complexity and depth to the flavor. The smoke is smooth and creamy, with a long and satisfying finish.
Whether you prefer a full-bodied cigar with a rich flavor profile or a milder smoke with subtle notes, there is a Padron cigar for every taste. These highly-rated cigars are a testament to the quality and craftsmanship that goes into every Padron cigar, making them a favorite among cigar aficionados around the world.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this article about this terrific cigar brand and cigar family. Both of which are a testament to the rich tradition and artistry of cigar making. Padron’s generational commitment to quality and value has made them a favorite among cigar enthusiasts around the world. If you haven’t tried a Padron cigar yet, it’s time to discover the rich flavors and exceptional quality that have made them a true industry leader.