Tempus is Latin for ‘time’, and patience and time are the hallmarks of the cultivation, aging and hand-crafting of Alec Bradley Tempus cigars. These sought-after premium cigars are hand made at the renowned Raices Cubanas cigar factory in Honduras with a premium-grade select Honduran wrapper grown in the Trojes region, paired with a Honduran binder and extensively aged Nicaraguan and Honduran long fillers. Awarded Cigar Aficionado #7 Cigar of the Year in 2017; CA Top 25 Cigars List 2008; and Rated 94 in 2018.
‘Time’, the key ingredient that allows Tempus to achieve its top-rated status These classic cigars provide a full-flavored, rich medium full bodied smoke just filled with notes of leather, sweet molasses, roasted nut, wood, and pepper notes that awaken the palate.
As always, all our Alec Bradley Tempus cigars are available for international cigar delivery, shipped to your door, worldwide.
Founder Alan Rubin on the heritage of the Alec Bradley Tempus cigar, “A great tobacco man once told me- “listen to the tobacco, it will tell you when it’s ready.” When I tried a special estate grown premium tobacco from Trojes, Honduras, it spoke to me, and I listened. The Trojes tobacco delivered flavors and complexities I had never experienced before. The taste was incredible, and the blending process began. Tempus is Latin for time – and it took time to learn, grow, blend and age. Tempus would eventually rate a ‘94’ in Cigar Aficionado, becoming Alec Bradley’s first of many ‘Top 25 Cigars of the Year’. I hope you take the time to enjoy this very special cigar!
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