With its glistening, sleek chestnut-hued Connecticut-Shade wrapper covering a sensational blend of select Dominican tobaccos aged for five to seven years, Ashton Cabinet Selection cigars embody an obsession with the tobacco aging process. An ultra-refined profile develops with voluptuous, velvety texture and notes of cashew, white pepper, almond and coffee bean. The extended fermentation and aging truly adds dimensions of flavor as only the patient passage of time allows for optimal flavors to emerge for you to experience.
Founder Robert Levin, established the Ashton cigar brand during the early 1980s. As an experienced veteran of the cigar industry, Levin’s upbringing in the 1950s and 60s revolved around working in his father’s cigar shop. He took the reigns of the business in the 1970s and after several years of steady growth, Levin applied his ambition to create his own cigar brand.
Thus Ashton cigars were introduced to the market in 1985 and shortly thereafter, Levin began a collaboration with the legendary Fuente family, a partnership that brought to Ashton the Fuentes unparalleled talent, devotion, and enthusiasm for premium-grade tobaccos and second-to-none craftmanship. Carlos Fuente Sr. and his son, Carlito Fuente, had been making premium cigars for generations, this partnership was the perfect fit, and Ashton flourished.
For over a century, the Fuente family has adhered to uncompromising standards of taste, construction, and consistency, which has continued to draw consumers to their cigars. The family’s capability to embrace and absorb the production of Ashton while preserving their own cigars exceptional level of quality is remarkable.
Levin successfully expanded the Ashton portfolio to meet the changing preferences of cigar enthusiasts by introducing several iconic blends, including the original Ashton Classic, Ashton Aged Maduro, Ashton Cabinet, Ashton VSG, Ashton ESG, and more. To this day, the company adheres closely to the formula of brand building, longevity, and tradition.
Presently, Ashton is a father-and-son collaboration, with Robert Levin and his son, Sathya Levin, at the helm. Together, they maintain and expand the company’s extensive reputation for crafting premium cigars of superior quality with prestige brands. The Levin and Fuente families share a common ambition to produce the world’s finest cigars. This is the true foundation of their partnership, and the result is an ever-thriving cigar portfolio of classic Ashton cigars.
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