Some call him the coolest guy in the cigar industry, and he’s now gone out on his own with and exclusive line of hand rolled premiums. The Caldwell Cigar Co. by Robert Caldwell unveiled their highly acclaimed series of cigars in 2014. Since that introduction, Caldwell Cigars have experienced huge growth and demand, truly making waves in the cigar industry. Along with the cigars comes a remarkably captivating and distinctive concept and artwork that varies with each line, providing each cigar line with its own distinct character.
Indulge in the rich and robust Long Live the King cigar or the smooth and silky Eastern Standard, among other top-notch and inventive brands. The one that marked the beginning of it all is Caldwell’s 2015 trade show release, Blind Man’s Bluff, crafted with luxurious vintage Honduran tobacco. The Caldwell Cigar Co. stands as the epitome of a meticulously crafted, high-quality, and distinctive boutique cigar company—a brand that you absolutely must experience today.
Says Robert Caldwell, “We do not use the ‘run of the mill’ tobaccos. Our blends are built off of unique tobaccos that are proprietary to us, are rarely available, and very unique. We set out to deliver a new experience.”
All our Caldwell cigars are available internationally through our worldwide cigar delivery service.