Camacho Connecticut cigars do not conform to the conventional Connecticut cigar story of light, golden, extra-mild cigars. As the guys are Camacho say ‘unconventional – It’s in our DNA’, and so with this line they stripped down perception of Connecticut cigars, tuned it up, adding flavor, complexity and dialing up the smoking satisfaction. The result is the most popular of all the Camacho cigar brands.
Camacho‘s best-selling line displays a superb level of creaminess, rounding out the spice and sweetness of its Honduran Criollo seco binder. With a blend of Honduran Corojo 99 and Honduran Criollo 98 visus leaves together with the Honduran Criollo seco tobaccos one experiences the profound, bold flavor profile. Finally, a Connecticut wrapper pulls the it all together and enhances the overall cigar experience, delivering aromas of wood, pepper, cream and nuts.
Camacho Cigars was founded in 1961 by Cuban expat Simon Camacho, who opened a small cigar factory in Miami, Florida which quickly became renowned for producing some of the very best Cuban-style cigars. The business was purchased in 1995 by the Eiroa cigar family who continued to develop the brand and release highly acclaimed cigar brands. Today the Camacho brand is part of the Oettinger Davidoff Group, who acquired this sought after brand in 2008. Production is centered in Danli, Honduras as well as state-of-the-art factories in the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. Their core specialization is in cultivating, blending and manufacturing authentic hand-crafted Cuban-seed cigars.
For six decades, Camacho has worked tirelessly to build some of the best cigars around. With a focus on perfecting and preserving the authentic Corojo seed that is the foundation of their premium blends.
For Camacho cigars it’s about more than simply blending manufacturing. It’s about a vision and passion build on experience and character, with the strength to carry out the vision all the way to the finish line.