Don Tomas Clasico cigars represent Honduran heritage in cigar production in a cigar which delivers consistently with its rich flavor and well-balanced smooth characteristics that made the original Don Tomas brand an incredible success story and widely enjoyed premium cigar.
One of the most widely-known Honduran cigar brands, the Don Tomas Clasico cigar is surprisingly well-priced, considering they are widely praised and were named to Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 list (2006) and were awarded a ‘Best Buy’ designation from Cigar Insider.
Flawlessly constructed of well-aged tobaccos, the Don Tomas Clasico is a rich, medium-to -full bodied premium cigar blend, comprised of a sleek oily Honduran wrapper and a bold blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran long filler tobaccos. Enjoy notes of earth, cocoa, wood, nuts, and pepper tones. This indulgence will satisfy the experienced cigar smoker or any cigar fan seeking rich taste at a great price.
International cigar delivery is always available on all our fine Don Tomas cigars.
Philip Milley –
I was taken first by the incredibly smooth and veinless wrapper, which shone with oils. I smoked this at an event and many people were asking me what I was smoking because they thought it smelt so good. As I smoked it I realized how much potential this cigar has for me as an avid smoker. It's not to full bodied or overpowering, nor too light where the smoke isn't fulfiling. I think the flavour is perfect. I think the price is in fact quite modest.
Norman Lapierre –
This is definitely one to keep in your humidor. Smooth draw, great burn and good for 1+ hour. I am ordering a box. Don't get hung up on "cubans", sure many are quite good, but don't discount the tobaccos from Honduras and Nicaragua. A fine addition to your humidor.
IaianFrancis –
These Don Tomas Clasicos are a great mild smoke which lasts for an hour or more. Great quality, I have not had a bad stick yet.