For decades, the renowned El Rey del Mundo cigar brand from Honduras has been delighting connoisseurs with its time-tested excellence. Crafted by the skilled cigar artisans responsible for the production of Punch and Hoyo de Monterrey, these premium cigars boast a medium-to-full-bodied profile that appeals to discerning smokers. Available in either a premium Sumatra wrapper, characterized by its richness and oiliness, or a sleek and luscious black Connecticut Broadleaf. As always, all El Rey del Mundo cigars are available for worldwide delivery.
El Rey del Mundo Robusto, Oscuro – Box of 20
Cigar Length
Ring Gauge
Availability: In Stock
Country of Origin
El Rey de Mundo Robusto cigars are rich and spicy hand-rolled premiums that offer deep flavors in a suberbly constructed cigar with a flawless burn and easy draw. The blend is a rich combination of Dominican, Honduran and Nicaraguan fillers, Honduran binders, and a rich, oily Oscuro wrapper. Each handmade cigar is then individually silk wrapped and boxed in a classic sliding lid box. El Rey del Mundo Robusto cigars are one of our best selling Honduran cigars. As always worldwide delivery available on all El Rey del Mundo cigars.
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bfortin –
Superb robusto in every way. Great taste, fantastic burn. Superb construction and packaging. You can't go wrong on with one. Excellent value.
Antonis –
Just received them today. Astonished from the great presentation and superb smoke experience. True value for money. Highly recomended.
LenMako –
This cigar is a steal for for the money. Extremely consistent in the build and consistent flavor from start to finish. 90% of the ones I smoke burn perfectly. Great flavor!
Renee –
This cigar is perfect. The presentation with the silk paper hides a perfect robusto with a great smooth taste, rich and tasty.
Adam –
A very attractively packaged and constructed cigar. Beautiful smooth dark wrapper. Superb leathery flavors in a medium bodied cigar. I got a bit of a nicotine rush. A great cigar for the price.
mikee30 –
This is one great Cigar, beautiful taste from beginning to end. I would definitely recommend <i>El Rey Del Mundo Robustos</i>, as superb cigars for the price. Excellent cigar!
prasinos –
I just smoked one of these <i>El Rey del Mundo Robusto cigars</i> and they're great cigars. In a few words this is one of the best Honduran cigars I've smoked. Great taste, fantastic burn. A recomended cigar. Excellent value.
Peter Zavodny –
Terrific, rich smoke. Well constructed cigars. ERDMs get two thumbs up!