Havoc by AJ Fernandez cigars are Nicaraguan puros created by one of the most skilled and successful cigarmakers of the modern era. These cigars are expertly crafted into a 6.5 x 52 Toro size, using only the finest Nicaraguan tobaccos grown in AJ’s family owned fields throughout Nicaragua. The result is a medium-full bodied premium smoke that offers delicious flavors of earth, leather, spice, cinnamon, and dark roast coffee. A cigar luxurious in flavor and captivating aromas making for a truly indulgent smoking experience that is simply extraordinary.
AJ Fernandez Havoc cigars are hand-rolled at the famous Tabacalera Fernandez Factory in Esteli, Nicaragua, where the highly skilled staff are known for top-notch skills and excellent construction. These artisans are proud of the many accolades won by the cigars coming out of their factory. Passion, tradition, and premium tobaccos are the cornerstones of AJ Fernandez Cigars. Established by third-generation, Cuban-born cigar master AJ Fernandez, his creations are rolled in two renowned factories: Tabacalera AJ Fernandez de Nicaragua in Esteli, Nicaragua, and the San Lotano Factory just north of Totogalpa, Honduras. At these state-of-the-art facilities, AJ has crafted numerous top-rated blends that have won the hearts of smokers worldwide. Some of his most popular blends include Enclave, San Lotano Maduro, and New World Puro Especial, all celebrated as some of the finest smokes available. Each blend is made with top-quality tobaccos and meticulously handcrafted, ensuring every cigar is consistently excellent. Available in a variety of blends, sizes, and packaging options at reasonable prices here at AbsoluteCigars.com.
Havoc by AJ Fernandez cigars shipped worldwide.