Named for the unique spiral pattern you can see on its wrapper, Helix cigars are an eye-catching and flavorful mellow cigar. The cores of these handmade cigars are crafted with a complex blend of aged filler tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Honduras, and Brazil. Available in both a Connecticut Shade wrapper cloaking a hearty Mexican binder as well as a Maduro which is a dark and oily Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper and a Honduran binder. Rich, full-flavored cigars that are affordable with a creative modern twist.
As always, all our fine Helix cigars are available for worldwide cigar delivery.
Tony –
In my opinion <i>Helix cigars</i> are some of the best things going in the mild cigar category. With everyone trying to make the next great medium to full cigar, Helix understands that even cigar veterans enjoy a mild cigar earlier in the day from time-to-time. Both the natural and maduro cigar are great but the maduro is my personal favorite.
cigarnewbee –
These <i>Helix cigars</i> were recommended by absolute staff, and they were a great choice. Mild, smooth and consistant the whole way through. If you are new to cigars, these are an excellent cigar. Or as regular additions. All my friends have been enjoying cigars for years and they loved these cigars! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. I will try the Helix naturals next.
Real Senecal –
The Helix Maduro is a great cigar under $5.00. Mild .smooth draw until the end ,with a touch of sweetness that make you want to light another one.Great great value.