First introduced in 1968, Joya de Nicaragua Clasico cigars are considered to be the very first premium cigar brand manufactured in Nicaragua, and for a many years this line of Nicaraguan puros were the sole cigar within the brand portfolio.
Made of the finest Cuban seed wrapper, binder and filler tobaccos, all harvested from the most fertile growing regions of Nicaragua, Joya de Nicaragua Clasico cigars deliver a delicious smoke with a hearty, layered profile of earth, pepper notes, a natural sweetness of tobacco flavors, plus coffee, and wood notes.
Over 55 years ago Joya de Nicaragua became pioneers of the cigar industry when they crafted the first cigars significant exports of cigars to ever come out of Nicaragua. Today the brand is thriving, more than ever, as a result of the highly skilled and resilient people crafting their products. The Joya motto is ‘quality is not an obligation, it is our highest commitment’. We the cigar smokers are spoiled with the terrific range of superb cigars that are a result of their 50 years of perserverance and success.
Joya de Nicaragua was established in 1968, making it the very first premium handmade cigar manufacturer in Nicaragua. Located in the city of Esteli, which has since become known as the tobacco capital of the world. The Fabrica de Tabacos Joya de Nicaragua, S.A is their 100% Nicaraguan owned company that develops, cultivates and manufactures internationally renowned cigars brands.
Joya de Nicaragua Clasico cigars are the benchmark of true excellence for all other Nicaraguan puros that have followed, and it continues to be among the most sought-after premium cigar brands on the market today.
Gilles –
Very very good experience! Draw and burn was second to none. Earthy and spicy. Slow to start but when it got underway I did not want it to end. Highly recommended.
reggae01 –
I remember seeing this brand 11 years ago and trying it for the first time. It's nice to know some things stay the same. I find this cigar to be quite mild and delicate. I would recommend this cigar to anyone who anyone who enjoys cigars.