La Gloria Cubana cigars holds a long list of 90+ ratings. Along with their Cuban heritage, the brand can confidently claim its place among the elite in the world of premium cigars. This renowned brand gained prominence under the leadership of the famed E.P. Carrillo and has always held it’s place as a go-to best-selling cigar. With a select combination of Brazilian, Dominican, Mexican, and Nicaraguan tobaccos, the La Gloria Cubana cigar is meticulously finished with your choice of either an Ecuadorian Sumatra or Broadleaf maduro wrapper.
The ever-in-demand La Gloria Cubana cigar is hand-rolled at the world renowned El Credito Cigar Factory where from generation to generation, cigar rolling experience is passed down from father to son, and mother to daughter. The torceadores of El Credito love cigars, and hold a deep passion for their art which is clear as one smokes and enjoys any of the La Gloria Cubana cigars. Simply a must-have cigar in your humidor.
Gretz99 –
I like a smaller ring guage cigar, as this one is. Construction is excellent with an easy draw & even burn throughout. This is a mid-strength smoke, and never a hint of harshness. Some nice flavors develop as you burn through this one, pleasing wood notes, nuts, and slight hints of spice around the middle. Overall a good valued cigar and one I keep available all the time.
Gretz99 –
I like a smaller ring guage cigar, as this one is. Construction is excellent with an easy draw & even burn throughout. This is a mid-strength smoke, and never a hint of harshness. Some nice flavors develop as you burn through this one, pleasing wood notes, nuts, and slight hints of spice around the middle. Overall a good valued cigar and one I keep available all the time.
Jean-François –
Got it in the 11 robustos sampler. Wow! What a great example of what a cigar can taste like when they don't try to make a cuban copy. They should call it La Gloria Dominicana! Very smooth throughout, woody, a bit spicy, the ash is very white. Will buy a box!
edl131 –
You just can't beat it for the money. It has a smooth draw and a rich taste that you can afford to smoke everyday. One of the best for the money!
An absolute delight. I approached with a bit of scepticism, having only smoked Cubans before. But this one had me for a 'wow!'. Laser sharp even burn, solid white ash, that stayed for about 2-3 inches and only broke off at its own weight. Even construction with the right tightness for excellent draw. I had one outside at a street cafe and someone two tables away asked me what kind of cigar is was – it smelled wonderful. I am ordering another box, and then another.
Victor –
This cigar started out with a coffee and chocolate taste that turned into a rugged leather body. A great cigar that finished leaving a strong cedar taste.
Anthem –
Just tried this cigar. Received it with my 11 corona sampler. Great taste, nice white ash, even burn and nice amount of smoke. I'll buy more Glorias once I have room in my humidor!