Sought-after for its hefty ring gauges and rich flavor profile, La Gloria Cubana Serie R cigars stand as a prized gem hailing from the famous El Credito Cigar Factory. The LGC Serie R line impresses with its remarkable spice along with a potent yet refined taste made possible from a proprietary combination of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos. The blend brings a harmonious balance achieved from a Nicaraguan binder and pairing it with a meticulously aged Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper (Connecticut Broadleaf is used for the maduro cigars). The result is a La Gloria Cubana Serie R that offers a luxurious and refined. Perfect, anytime of the day and for just about any occasion.
La Gloria Cubana cigars holds an long list of 90+ ratings. Along with their Cuban heritage, the brand can confidently claim its place among the elite in the world of premium cigars. This renowned brand gained prominence under the leadership of the famed E.P. Carrillo and has always held it’s place as a go-to best-selling cigar. With a select combination of Brazilian, Dominican, Mexican, and Nicaraguan tobaccos, the La Gloria Cubana cigar is meticulously finished with your choice of either an Ecuadorian Sumatra or Broadleaf maduro wrapper.
The ever-in-demand La Gloria Cubana cigar is hand-rolled at the world renowned El Credito Cigar Factory where from generation to generation, cigar rolling experience is passed down from father to son, and mother to daughter. The torceadores of El Credito live cigars, and hold a deep passion for their art which is clear as one smokes and enjoys any of the La Gloria Cubana cigars.Ā Simply a must-have cigar in your humidor.
La Gloria Cubana Serie R cigars shipped worldwide.
musculus –
This cigar is truly world class, a lovely heady smoking experience….great for fishing!
PeterB –
Perhaps one of the nicest Dominican smokes I've ever enjoyed. Found that the second one was smoother than the first after spending a week in the humidor. Overall great value and certainly more than you'll get in a Cuban in the same price range. Will be buying a box of Naturals next.
Shawn –
After my 4th cigar I can tell you that this cigar quickly made my list of favourites. Great burn, fantastic draw. Make sure you don't burn your fingers.