Rated 90 by Cigar Aficionado, Macanudo Maduro cigars are mellow to medium premiums handmade with tobaccos that surpass the rest.
With its gorgeous Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, grown in the Dominican Republic, and aged through a proprietary curing process, this sleek leaf is among the most intriguing and flavorful Maduro cigars in humidors anywhere.
As always, all Macanudo Maduro cigars are available for international cigar shipping, delivered to your door worldwide.
sash –
It's like a shot of hot espresso & cream. <i>Macanudo Maduro Ascots</i> are a perfect mid-day or late night cigar.
dogbone –
These cigars are delightful. <b>Macanudo Maduro Ascots</b> are strong, with distinct flavours yet not harsh. A great smoke when you only have time for a small cigar.