Rated 90 by Cigar Aficionado, Macanudo Maduro cigars are mellow to medium premiums handmade with tobaccos that surpass the rest.
With its gorgeous Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, grown in the Dominican Republic, and aged through a proprietary curing process, this sleek leaf is among the most intriguing and flavorful Maduro cigars in humidors anywhere.
As always, all Macanudo Maduro cigars are available for international cigar shipping, delivered to your door worldwide.
Ashley Parker –
Best cigar I have ever had! They aren’t too intense and has a fantastic scent and taste. Would highly recommend for people who are starting their cigar journey.
James –
Top quality cigars. Macanudo Maduro Diplomats are some of the best cigars in the price range. They get a bit strong at the end, but still enjoyable to the last draw.