Behold, the best of the best. A masterclass in complexity and consistency and the cigar that has become an icon. Macanudo Cafe cigars have for decades been one of the best-selling premium cigars. Macanudo Café is distinctive, smooth and a delight to smoke, having earned numerous 90+ ratings by top industry publications.
The mellow profile makes it an approachable smoke and enjoyable for beginners while the flavor profile and complexity yield a premium smoking experience for cigar aficionados as well.
Macanudo Cafe cigars are the perfect cigar for smoking and sharing with the special people in your life.
I Luv BigButts –
I tried one of these on recomendation from a friend. I found it to be a smooth consistent smoke that I enjoyed, great contruction and draw, but left me wanting slightly more in the flavor department. I realize though that Macanudos are a milder cigar, and I prefer a medium to full flavor smoke.
Tony –
I'm not a huge fan of mild cigars but everyone should keep a fiver of <i>Macanudo petit corona</i> cigars in their humidor. These cigars are typically loved by folks who do not usually smoke cigars, including the fairer sex. So get a fiver and keep them on hand for company, you may just smoke one yourself on a Saturday afternoon after lunch.