Quorum cigars are handcrafted in Nicaragua, where the rich soil produces some hearty, premium tobacco. Now made by the famous J.C. Newman Company, Quorum cigars have become the No. 1 selling imported handmade bundled cigar in the U.S. These medium-bodied handmade cigars hit the rare mark of high quality and low price. Their all Nicaraguan blend offers a satisfying flavor profile and body in a hand-rolled cigar at a nice price.
After a long hiatus, these handmade premium premiums are manufactured at the modern JC Newman cigar factory in Nicaragua, and since their re-blending have seen demand stronger than ever.
Quorum Classic cigars are comprised of the finest aged Nicaraguan long-fillers completed by an Ecuadorian Sungrown wrapper leaf offering deep layers of nut, earth, and sweet-cream within an earthy and spicy core. Creamy-smooth with a satisfyingly sweet aroma. It’s excellent construction results in an easy, slow burn that compliments what is a superbly balanced cigar blend. this reinvented brand, while all others will come to love its creamy smooth taste and lovely, sweet aroma.
eddsy –
nice cigar slow burning. easy smoke creamy taste complimented with whiskey or Gin will buy again
Clayton Wilkie –
The Quorum Shade Gordo is a very nice cigar to smoke. First time I tired these cigars and they were very smooth with a nice flavour as well. Delivery was fast. 15 days to Brisbane, Australia. Will be buying more from Absolute Cigars again and again. Great cigars.