One of the pillars of the modern cigar industry, popular brand owner Rocky Patel turning 60 came with the much anticipated release of the Rocky Patel Sixty cigars. Arguably the best yet in Rocky’s continuing top-rated birthday releases which include the massively successful “Fifty” and “Fifty-Five”, the small batch super-premium are named for Rocky’s age in the year of release.
For the Sixty, a core of aged Nicaraguan tobaccos composes the long fillers and binder, which are veiled in a top-shelf San Andres Mexican wrapper leaf that has a dusky, oily hue. After being rolled with top-notch construction and box-pressed at the TaviCusa cigar factory, these commemorative gems are aged for an added two years. Bold, balanced, and incredibly complex, you’ll indulge in a flavor-packed medium to full bodied smoke that’ll capture your palate.
As to the mission of the Rocky Patel cigar brand itself, as told by Rocky himself recently to Tobacco Business Magazine, “We’ve created a brand that has quality and consistency. The one thing you learn when you smoke a Rocky Patel cigar is that you’re going to get a consistent, great quality cigar. You’re going to get a cigar that is diverse and has a unique flavor and brand profile. It’s going to be fun, hip, sexy and cool.”
As always, all Rocky Patel Sixty cigars are available for international cigar delivery.