Perdomo are the makers of some of the finest Nicaraguan cigars on the market. Their philosophy as to Perdomo Fresco cigars was simple – create a premium cigar, flawlessly rolled, with a consistent burn, terrific taste, leave out the expensive box packaging and skip all the marketing. The Fresco delivers an affordable cigar from the award-winning Tabacalera Perdomo. A blend that’s composed of the finest aged Nicaraguan binder and long filler tobacco all grown on the famed Perdomo plantations throughout Nicaragua. The Perdomo Fresco is blended by some of the most experienced hands in the cigar business, with premium long filler tobacco grown on the Perdomo Farms within the famed fertile valley of Esteli, Nicaragua. Perdomo Fresco cigars are hands-down one of the top selling cigar bundles in the world.
Tabacalera Perdomo was founded by Nick Perdomo Jr. in 1992 and is based in Estelí, Nicaragua and is known for manufacturing high-quality cigars using tobacco grown in Nicaragua. The company was founded in 1992 and has grown to become one of the leading cigar companies in Nicaragua. Tabacalera Perdomo operates several factories in Nicaragua and exports its cigars to many countries around the world. In addition to its own Perdomo brands, the company also produces premium hand-rolled cigars for other brands, under contract.
Before starting Tabacalera Perdomo, Nick Perdomo Jr. worked in the family business, Perdomo Cigars, which was founded in the 1970s by his father, Nick Perdomo Sr. In 1992, Nick Perdomo Jr. decided to branch out on his own and he created Tabacalera Perdomo.
In the years since, Tabacalera Perdomo has experienced rapid and sustained growth and has become one of the leading cigar manufacturers in Nicaragua. The company is widely known for producing cigars of the highest quality using tobacco grown in Nicaragua and has a earned a reputation for innovation and excellence in the cigar industry.
Tabacalera Perdomo is committed to producing superb cigars, and as all at Perdomo promise, they “strive to be the industry leader in product innovation, quality and service.”
As always, all our fine Perdomo Fresco cigars are available for international cigar delivery, shipped to your door with our worldwide cigar shipping service, with your full satisfaction guaranteed.
Josh Rogers –
Just got bundle of these Perdomo fresco Robustos today. Not bad at all. Good price, good cigar. I’ll age them for a while at 70 and report back.
patrick –
Good cigars for price and quality, will recommend to try them for all occasions.
Jay –
I ordered a bundle of these not sure what to expect – but these cigars are some of the most even-burning I’ve ever had – I never have to relight these. They put out tons of smoke. The flavour is a little one-dimensional, but totally fine, and easy going. I nub these every time.
Richard –
This is a really nice smoke. A little stronger than I expected with a nice cedar wood type flavour with hints of pepper as well. They tend to last on average for me just over an hour. A nice one to smoke by a fire or while sitting by a lake.