Nicaraguan Bundles Churchill, Pigtail – Bundle of 20
Hand-crafted in the traditional Cuban style, our Nicaraguan Churchill Pigtail cigars are medium bodied and finished with a classic pigtail using a 6th priming oily Habano wrapper with Nicaraguan binders and filler.
A terrific cigar at a great price with complex flavors of cedar, chocolate and oak. This hand-rolled Nicaraguan cigar has loads of character that will leave you always wanting these available in your humidor.
As always, all our Nicaraguan Pigtail Churchill Cigars are shipped worldwide and we guarantee your full satisfaction. As always all our premium cigar bundles ship with a state-of-the-art Boveda humidity pack. So you can relax with full confidence in our worldwide cigar delivery service, that your Nicaraguan Pigtails are packaged securely and properly humidified as your order travels the world to your door. We put together every package carefully and securely, to ensure that your valued sticks arrive in great condition and ready to light up!
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