With a legacy of over a century of cigar making tradition; success after success; countless 90+ ratings, and legions of dedicated cigar fans loyal to the brand, Arturo Fuente Cigars is a name at the pinnacle of the cigar industry. A permanent fixture at the top of the cigar world. The Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigar is known for superb consistency, supreme smoothness, perfect balance and a naturally sweet tobacco blend made with tobaccos grown exclusively on the Fuente family estate in the Dominican Republic.
The Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigar is one of the Fuentes most sought after brands, and for good reason. The Arturo Fuente motto is, “We never rush the hands of time”, and indeed each Hemingway cigar is meticulously aged for at least six months prior to its release, so as to fully enhance the trademark Hemingway flavor and aromas. A wonderful and unforgettable cigar smoking experience, that you can have delivered to your door through our international cigar shipping service.
Pipon –
Sweet with notes of toast and chocolate. Solid ash that just won't drop! Great super even burn and draw with lots of smoke. Just a delicious smoke. Worth every cent you spend!