The lineup of Alec Bradley cigars are extremely popular premium cigars, manufactured in Nicaragua, and typically known for their bolder Cuban style cigar blends. So as to make an offering to those looking for a milder smoke, Alec Bradley Founder Alan Rubin, created a real smoothie of a cigar in the Alec Bradley American Classic cigars blend. This handrolled cigar is mellow to medium bodied, with hearty Nicaraguan longfillers covered by a flavorful Honduran seed Connecticut wrapper that gives the American Classic Blend the complexity and appealing character to also appeal to cigar fans who like a stronger cigar. Rolled meticulously to have a nice slow burn with an even draw, and deliver flavors of cream, cocoa, cedar, sweet spice, and coffee notes, and culminating with a wonderfully smooth finish, the Alec Bradley American Classic cigars really is a go-to stick for that anytime smoke.
“I was inspired by a conversation with my Father; reminiscing about the simpler times of yesteryear. During our talk, he spoke about the different cigars that he and his buddies had smoked back in the day, when cigars were flavorful & hearty – yet, so smooth on the palate. I then went to our factory and blended a cigar to be smoked at any time of day, every day. That cigar is the Alec Bradley American Classic.”
– Alan Rubin, Founder of Alec Bradley Cigars
Wayne Chamberlain –
Easy draw with lots of smoke. Flavor is rather light but consistent throughout. Strength is on the higher side of Medium. Never gets hot even at the last inch. A good stick.