The CAO Gold cigar, with it’s gorgeous blonde Ecuadoran-Connecticut seed wrapper packs big flavor. With numerous 90+ ratings, this handrolled premium has a legion of devotees from well-seasoned aficionados to newer cigar fans, and including some of the top industry publications who have deemed it as one of the best mild cigars in the world.
The CAO Gold finished with an elegant premium quality Ecuadorian Connecticut shade wrapper leaf that cloaks a Nicaraguan binder and the very best Honduran and Nicaraguan long-fillers. Massively popular, there really are very few comparables on the cigar market in terms of smoothness of taste with mild-to-medium bodied smoke. This premium cigar becomes very smooth and creamy as you progress through the cigar, delivering an unforgettably flavor packed, complex smoking experience. Enjoy the sweet earthiness and flavors of pepper, leather, cocoa, and roasted nuts.
Enjoy CAO Gold cigars no matter where you are in the world. We do ship these gems internationally, and deliver to your door, in just about every corner of the world.
Pipon –
My go-to corona. These are creamy with nice nut tones. Golds are known for the mildness but in my opinion these are an exception as they're fairly robust in fact.
arkiehogfan –
The CAO Gold is a consistantly good smoke. Burns well with plenty of smoke. Easy on the palate.