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CAO Pilon Toro – Box of 20

Cigar Length
Ring Gauge
Availability: In Stock
Country of Origin

The CAO Pilon Toro is a premium cigar that exemplifies the superior craftsmanship of CAO. Handcrafted with precision, this 6.2 x 54 sized Toro delivers a well-balanced and flavorful smoking experience. With a medium-to-full bodied profile, CAO Pilon Toro cigars offer a harmonious blend of cedar, earthy undertones, and a touch of pepper, making the Pilon a great choice for CAO cigar fans seeking depth and complexity.

Derived from the rich history of 19th century Cuban tobacco cultivation and cigar making, the term “pilon” refers to the timeless practice of meticulously arranging and layering a bundle of tobacco leaves. This traditional method serves to facilitate the fermentation process, unlocking a depth of flavor and enhancing the vibrant color of the tobacco leaves in a way that surpasses ordinary techniques. The outcome yields impeccably crafted leaves, incorporated into blends such as CAO Pilon, that showcase strikingly deep and opulent hues, while delivering an unmatched complexity of taste.

Questions about CAO Pilon Toro cigars? Email us anytime or contact us through any of our social media channels. Worldwide cigar delivery on all CAO Pilon cigars.


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A long-standing best-seller, CAO Pilon cigars epitomize the harmonious marriage of tradition, expertise, and exceptional craftsmanship. Drawing inspiration from the age-old history of 19th century Cuban tobacco manufacturing, CAO Pilon pays homage to the timeless technique of arranging and layering tobacco leaves in bundles for aging in order to achieve unparalleled flavor and vibrant color. The result is a collection of cigars that boast deep, rich hues and an exquisite complexity of taste. With each puff, cigar aficionados are transported on a sensory journey, savoring the artfully fermented and meticulously crafted blends that capture the essence of CAO’s commitment to quality and innovation. Indulge in the legacy and artistry of CAO Pilon, where every smoking experience is a testament to the brand’s unwavering dedication to creating cigars of extraordinary character and distinction.

An extraordinary fusion of cigar history and traditional craftsmanship, as the pilon method imparts a depth and character to each and every blend.

As always, all our fine CAO Pilon cigars are available for worldwide cigar delivery.

CAO’s innovative philosophy has been in place now for decades and continues today. Their never-ending quest to produce new and unique blends is captured in their mission statement:

“We’ll go anywhere to find the exceptional tobacco we’re looking for.  And we have. We’ve been all over the world, procuring some of the finest and rarest leaf known to man.  The jungles of the Amazon. The mountains of Colombia. The valleys of the Dominican Republic and the volcanoes of Nicaragua. And nearly every point on the map in between.

In all our travels, we’ve discovered something. When we remove boundaries, borders, and limits from the process, what we’re left with is a tobacco experience unlike any other.”

Take a look at all the state-of-the-art CAO cigar brands we offer today, and check back often for new CAO releases and special offers.

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