Awarded #1 Cigar of the Year by Cigar Aficionado, Casa Magna Colorado cigars are Nicaraguan Puros with a Cuban Seed, Shade grown wrapper from the Jalapa region of Nicaragua. A smooth full flavored handcrafted cigar that offers the rich coffee notes, perfectly balanced by a cedar sweetness and a hint of raisins. Rated a massive 95 by CA.
Casa Magna cigars are a brand under the MATASA umbrella of cigars. Owned and operated by the famous Quesada family. The Quesadas have been a part of the tobacco industry for over a century. When they first arrived in Cuba from Spain in the late 1800s they began their tobacco business when a debt owed to the family had been paid with tobacco being the catalyst for the creation of a generational business in cigars. From there they branched out to the Dominican Republic in 1929 in search of new and different tobaccos. Still, the company itself remained based in Havana, Cuba until the 1960’s, when of course everything changed in the Cuban cigar industry.
Thus, the new company was created by the Quesada family taking with it the family traditions and skills, to manufacture cigars in the Dominican Republic. In June 1974 the business took the name ‘Manufactura de Tabacos, S.A.’ or MATASA, and was moved new free-trade zone located in Santiago. MATASA had humble beginnings with their small operation employing just three cigar rollers. With some early success, expansion soon followed, and they quickly added dozens of additional rollers and expanded operations significantly.
Today, the fifth generation of the Quesada Family now oversees their major manufacturing facility, employing over 300 experienced cigar craftsmen and women who keep the Quesada cigar traditions alive and thriving through their dedication to the art of crafting premium cigars including award winners like the Casa Magna cigar brand.
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Very satisfying wrapper and binder, with long duration of enjoyable smoking. The Casa Magna Belicosos are earnestly recommended.