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Cohiba Red Dot Seleccion Suprema – 6 Cigar Sampler

Cigar Length
Availability: In Stock
Country of Origin
Dominican Republic

From one of the premier names in the cigar world, comes this unique Cohiba cigar sampler. A must have selection of fine Cohibas from across the various Cohiba cigar lines.Ā  We select the best of the best Cohibas on our shelves on the day of your order, including any new arrivals or any special releases we may have at the time.Ā  We also try to get as many of the Cohiba lines into each sampler, to give you variety.Ā  So cigars included will vary day-to-day, but typically included in your selection would be, for example –Ā  Cohiba Red Dot, Cohiba Black, Cohiba Puro Dominicana Limited Release, Cohiba Blue, Cohiba Toro Tubo, Cohiba Nicaragua.

Questions about our Cohiba cigar sampler or any of our Cohiba products?Ā  Check-in with us by email anytime, or contact us through our social media channels. We’re always pleased to assist! Ā Worldwide cigar delivery on all Cohiba cigars, and our vast selection of premium cigar samplers.



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Cohiba Red Dot Cigars
The name at the paramount of the cigar world – Cohiba is synonymous with exquisite taste and complexity of flavor and true cigar aficionados know Cohiba Red Dot to be one of the world’s absolute finest cigars. Crafted with the finest of detail, and meticulously produced in the Dominican Republic, Cohiba is the product of masterful blending. Featuring three varieties of Cuban seed tobaccos aged under the watchful eyes of our artisans, the Cohiba Red Dot cigar is a multi-dimensional, slightly spicy cigar created for the experienced cigar enthusiast.

Cohiba Black Cigars
A high-octane espresso version of one of Americaā€™s most popular luxury cigar brands, Cohiba Black handmade premium cigars consistently deliver rich, concentrated flavor in a cigars that’s handmade with a deep, lustrous wrapper aged for at least three years. Cohiba is famous the world over for providing the best of the best when it comes to cigars, and Cohiba Black cigars are certainly no exception. Indulge on a decadent blend that combines exquisitely flavorful Dominican long filler tobaccos with the added richness of a dark Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper that is of top-shelf quality. These strikingly black and oily smokes have been patiently aged to deliver an opulent and zesty medium to full bodied cigar with subtle creamy layers of espresso, cocoa, oak, and caramel. Perfectly balanced with flawless construction, Cohiba Black cigars are always in high demand.

Cohiba Blue Cigars
In Cohiba Blue cigars, we get the unique opportunity to be presented with the best that Honduras has to offer. The superb blend starts with a creamy and palate pleasing fine Honduran wrapper. The experience goes deeper with the savory, yet mellow Nicaraguan, Dominican, and Honduran premium tobaccos which brilliantly complement the wrapper. Finally, the cigar is completed with an earthy Honduran binder delivering a creamy, yet savory cigar smoking experience.

Cohiba Blue cigars are ultra-premium gems are flawlessly built with top-notch construction, with an effortless draw and an even burn delivering a medium bodied, truly enjoyable Cohiba cigar smoking experience.

Cohiba Nicaragua Cigars
A true gift from the artisans of Cohiba come a Nicaraguan master – Cohiba Nicaragua cigars are the brands first Nicaraguan cigar. Meticulously blended with the very finest hand selected tobaccos from the rich volcanic soils of Esteli and Jalapa, the Cohiba Nicaragua cigar is full flavored and perfectly balanced. This rich, creamy premium smoke is packed with bold spice notes, ideal for any major occasion that calls for that fine, handcrafted premium cigar.

Cohiba Macassar Cigars
In a fitting tribute to the rare Indonesian Macassar ebony that adorns its box, the artisans of Cohiba hand selected only the finest tobacco leaves which meet the very highest standards of flavor and aesthetics for Cohiba Macassar cigars. By all measures, these are true super premium cigars, made solely of a Cohiba proprietary combination of Dominican and Nicaraguan long filler tobaccos, meticulously aged for at least four years, with the final year within Dominican rum barrels. This process refines the leaf flavor building fine nuanced notes of wood, white pepper, cedar, and coffee, along with a thick earthy aroma. You will also notice some spicy sweetness throughout the length of the smoke imparted by the fragrant rum barrels. A magnificent medium-bodied standout in the Cohiba brand.

Cohiba Royale Cigars
The epitome of cigar luxury, Cohiba Royale cigars are a cigar enjoyment experience for those who are seeking the finest. The craftsmen at Cohiba begin with the very best select Nicaraguan broadleaf wrapper. Rich and oily. Pure perfection in a wrapper that’s meticulously blended with full bodied and sophisticated Nicaraguan, Dominican, and Honduran tobaccos. The cigar is brought together with an exquisite Piloto Cubano tobacco binder which delivers a finely-tuned smoke and one of the premier cigar experiences Cohiba has ever produced.

Gerneral Cigar Company
These highly sought after brands are produced under the umbrella of the General Cigar Company. General manufactures and markets hand-crafted cigars for the premium cigar market. Always committed to the production of cigars of the the finest quality. General Cigarā€™s talented cigar artisans produce famed brands including of course Cohiba, but also Macanudo, Partagas, La Gloria Cubana and many other industry-leading premium cigar brands in the companyā€™s vertically integrated cigar factory located in Santiago, Dominican Republic. The company also has cigar factories in Nicaragua and Honduras and cultivates proprietary tobacco for use exclusively in their legendary cigars blends.

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