From the cigar artisans of Cohiba comes the brand’s first Nicaraguan cigar. Blended with the finest hand-selected leaves from the volcanic soils of Estelí and Jalapa, Cohiba Nicaragua cigars are full in flavor and intricately balanced. A rich, creamy premium cigars that’s peppered with bold notes of fine spice, ideal for those occasions that simply call for a fine, handmade cigar.
Cohiba Nicaragua N54 Toro – Box of 16
Cohiba Nicaragua N54 cigars are premium handmade Nicaraguan cigars – a first for Cohiba that has, with this unique cigar, perfectly captured the luxurious expression of the flavor and complexity of Nicaraguan tobacco. The line is a bolder profile than most other Cohiba cigar blends. Cohiba Nicaragua cigars are handcrafted with the finest hand-selected leaves from the Estelí and Jalapa regions, and are crowned with a lustrous Colorado oscuro wrapper. A medium to full in bodied cigar offering a flavor profile of aromatic cedar, leather notes, and satisfying hint of sweetness on the finish. As you would expect from Cohiba, the construction of this premium cigar is yet another example of Cohiba’ s high standard of cigar rolling expertise. Cohiba Nicaragua cigars usher in an entirely new dimension of taste for the Cohiba cigar portfolio, the brand’s first cigar to be blended and handcrafted in Nicaragua . Packaged in an attractively stylish wooden box that Cohiba collectors will want in their box collections. Also available in a 5 pack format for those not ready to commit to a full box.
Cohiba Nicaragua N54 cigars are always available for international cigar delivery, and of course we guarantee your full satisfaction. Email us anytime for more info on Cohiba Nicaragua cigars. Or check in on social media – we’re always please to assist with your cigar questions!
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