A world famous classic, Don Diego cigars are handcrafted premiums, long considered one of the finest and most dependable Dominican cigars. Handmade with meticulously aged Dominican and Nicaraguan longfillers, thenĀ masterfully hand-rolled with Dominican binders then finished with a golden brown Connecticut Shade wrapper.Ā A mellow mild bodied premium cigar you’ll enjoy time and time again.
Tabacalera de Garcia S.A.S.
Don Diego cigars are in good (great really) company, being manufactured at Tabacalera de Garcia S.A.S., the same factory responsible for the production of such legendary cigar brands as Trinidad, Romeo y Julieta, Por Larranaga and the world famous H.Upmann and Montecristo cigars, originally from Cuba, now manufactured in the Dominican Republic and sold in the United States and worldwide.Ā A large factory with a massive output, but it takes more than just size to craft cigar legends on a daily basis.Ā Tabacalera de GarcĆa is one of the largest employers in all of the Dominican Republic. A respected leader in the industry that is the embodiment of tradition and pride.
The production of tens of millions of superior cigars, year in and year out is a stunning achievement, and is the result of a community effort within the factory, equal parts directorial vision, with managerial respect & humanity, along with factory efficiency with the highest possible standards of craftmanship and skill on the floor.Ā The results are the fine cigar brands that are in demand the world over including one of our favorites – Don Diego Cigars.
Tabacalera de GarcĆa S.A.S. is the embodiment of the best the Dominican Republic has to offer.
Daniel –
Got this Don Diego Churchill in the AC Churchill sampler. Had thought of these as a cheap filler but surprisingly enjoyable. Burn was even and held its ash perfectly. Plenty of smoke, mild, consistent and enjoyable.