The Gran Habano Vintage 2002 cigar has a core that is the 90-rated Gran Habano Corojo blend composed of full-bodied Habano seed long fillers grown in Nicaragua and the Dominican, with a juicy Nicaraguan Corojo wrapper leaf cultivated in 2002, then cedar aged, resulting in a virtuous deep experience of rich, creamy flavors that feature coffee, nut, and earth notes tempered by the smoothness and Cuban-style qualities derived from its aged Corojo leaf.
The Gran Habano Vintage 2002 cigar maintains its medium to full-body along with an elegant balance and long satisfying finish.
It takes generations to make a great cigar. Now on its fourth generation, Gran Habano cigars carry-on a long tradition created from humble beginnings.
Tobacco farmer and cigar maker, Guillermo Rico, believes in patience building his business slowly and steadily through careful exposure of his cigars to the marketplace. The hallmark is in attention to detail and a consistent reliance on strict quality control in tandem with traditional tabaquero processes.
The Rico family history in tobacco goes back to 1920, when Guillermo Rico’s grandfather began growing dark tobacco. Guillermo’s father took over in 1946, with Guillermo following him around the fields as a child, while his mother rolled cigars at home. That family legacy continues today in the Gran Habano, as a strong family tradition is embedded into every cigar made. Now in Danli, Honduras, where in 1998 the Gran Habano cigar factory was established and became the center point of their premium cigars and it now the home of the Gran Habano legacy.
2003 was the year our staple Gran Habano family of handmade cigars was introduced to resounding success by father and son team, Guillermo and George Rico. These long-filler cigars became the core of the company brand with 3 distinct blends: the Connecticut #1, a mild but rich cigar with a Connecticut shade wrapper; the Habano #3, a medium-bodied cigar in Habano wrapper; and our most beloved blend, the Corojo #5, a peppery full-bodied cigar in Corojo wrapper. Consistency has always been insisted with these expert blends, which continue to be our best selling cigars.
The legacy of crafting cigars at Gran Habano continues with Guillermo and George Rico, striving tirelessly for premium quality in every leaf grown and cigar rolled. Their honesty and passion for cigars is the foundation of the brand that drives them to make great traditional cigars, with a sense of originality being the signature of the company.
You too can enjoy Gran Habano cigars, in any corner of the world where you may be, as all our fine Gran Habano Vintage cigars are available for worldwide cigar delivery.
Daniil –
Smoke with a vanilla coke or a Starbucks mocha type drink and it will be perfect.
Jim –
Every cigar in the bundle had a great draw. Body was medium – good value in this bundle.
Leonard Elliss –
Found this non Cuban to be an extremely well valued good alternative. As a 90 rated I found the Gran Habano Vintage to be very enjoyable and in fact beyond my expectations.
The additional years resting in Cedar prior to recent release have obviously resulted in the flavours hanging around throughout the smoke. Regards.
Fabien Labrecque –
Received this bundle of fine cigars a few weeks ago (fast delivery and mint condition as usual). Very nice medium strength, with a milk chocolate taste. Perfect with a 12-year bourbon and at -15 degrees up here in Quebec City.