The Monte by Montecristo cigar’s signature feature is the inclusion of two binders – a spice-filled Dominican Olor along with a strong and aromatic Nicaraguan Corojo which offers strength and complexity. Blended by the famed Grupo de Maestros, this is the most robust Montecristo on the market, adding a revolutionary new element to the Montecristo range.
The Monte’s two binders couple perfectly with aged Dominican fillers and a fine Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, delivering a memorable cigar smoking experience. As one of the most iconic cigar brands in the world, Montecristo has a long line of premium cigar brands that are distinguished and enduring cigars. The Monte is unquestionably a premium cigar that’s worthy of upholding this legendary name.
Monte by Montecristo cigars shipped worldwide.
Glen –
Really enjoyed these cigars. I thought they were very smooth. Good value,