Nicaraguan Bundles Double Toro, Pigtail – Bundle of 20
One of most popular bundled cigars ever, our Nicaraguan Pigtail Double Toro cigars are medium bodied and finished with a classic pigtail using a 6th priming oily Habano wrapper with Nicaraguan binders and filler. A terrific cigar at a great price with complex flavors of cedar, chocolate and oak. This hand-rolled Nicaraguan cigar has loads of character that will leave you always wanting these stocked and available in your humidor.
This great stick is hand-crafted in the traditional Cuban style, with traditional craftsmanship resulting in a well-constructed cigar with a consistent draw and brining out the richness of flavor. The process emphasizes rolling precision and a level of craft only possible through the long experience of highly skilled torcedores.
A great sharing cigar. Quality, flavor and price all hit the mark. All of us who love cigars know that part of the enjoyment comes from sharing a fine cigar with friends, family, the neighbors. Or marking a special occasion with others by firing up a favorite stick. The Nicaraguan Pigtails are go-to hand rolled cigars that are perfect for those moments. A premium value cigar that you can enjoy at an affordable price, even as an everyday smoke.
A Nicaraguan Pigtail Double Toro Cigars shipped worldwide and we guarantee your full satisfaction. Hecho totalmente a mano en Nicaragua. Entrega internacional de cigarros.
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Timothy Mackenzie –
Tasty medium medium bodied cigars . Good construction, holds ash very well. Will buy more.
Kerry Woodrow –
Was very surprised at how nice a smoke these are at this price. A fine medium body that burns even. An easy draw throughout the smoke that holds its medium body to the end. I’m buying another bundle.