Plasencia Reserva Robusto – Box of 10
Availability: In Stock
Country of Origin
The Plasencia Reserva Robusto cigar is crafted by Plasencia Cigars, a company renowned for its deep roots in tobacco cultivation, tracing back to 1865. Plasencia is primarily known for producing premium cigars using some of the finest tobacco leaves, particularly from Nicaragua and Honduras. An interesting fact about the Plasencia Reserva is that it was one of the first premium cigars to use organically grown tobacco.
Plasencia Cigars have roots in tobacco cultivation going back to 1865. Today, with the Plasencia Reserva cigar, they’ve broken new ground with a line that’s credited with being the first premium brand to use organically grown tobacco. Featuring a Nicaraguan wrapper, binder, and filler, delivering a rich flavor profile that includes notes of cedar, nuts, and a hint of spice. The quality of the roll is impeccable, resulting in an even burn, smooth draw, and dense smoke output. Sit back and enjoy a medium-bodied, well-balanced premium smoke, with complex layers of flavor that develop throughout the burn. Plasencia Reserva cigars are manufactured at the Plasencia Cigars S.A. factory in Nicaragua, which also produces other acclaimed brands like the Alma Fuerte and Cosecha 146.
The master blender behind the Plasencia Reserva Robusto is Nestor Andrés Plasencia, who is widely respected in the industry for his innovation in organic tobacco farming, and for his dedication to sustainability, which has shaped the brand’s organic approach.
The Plasencia Reserva cigar received a 92 rating in the August 2015 issue of Cigar Aficionado. A recommended pairing would be a rich single malt Scotch or a bold espresso, enhancing the cigar’s earthy and spicy notes.
As always, all premium cigars including the Plasencia Reserva Robusto are available for worldwide cigar shipping. Need more info on Plasencia cigars? Email or contact us via social media anytime, 24-7.
Plasencia Reserva cigars are blended to deliver a smoking flavor experience in line with that which captivated the Europeans more than five centuries ago, when they landed in the New World. With notes of nuts, fruits, and caramel and subtle nuances of marzipan and hints of cedar on the finish.
As always, all our fine Plasencia cigars are available for worldwide cigars shipping, including the Plasencia Reserva Original cigar.
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