Romeo y Julieta Crafted by AJ Fernandez cigars are a collaboration between Romeo y Julieta and Master Blender AJ Fernandez, two of the premier names in the cigar world. Top-shelf cigars that bring together the stunning elements from these masterminds rolled into a full-flavored, spicy, medium-full bodied cigar. Handcrafted with select Nicaraguan long fillers and binder then finished with a long-aged Habano 2000 maduro wrapper. Its medium-full bodied profile delivers notes of spice, cocoa, rich tobacco, along with a fruity sweetness, resulting in a deeply satisfying smoke that’ll have you wanting these as a staple cigar in your humidor.
For close to 150 years, the cigar world has had a love affair with Romeo y Julieta Cigars. First established in 1875, the brand has evolved and grown with traditional blends as well as new exciting cigars that are always in demand. Throughout the 20th century and beyond, cigar lovers are always keeping an eye on Romeo y Julieta cigar releases, and very few humidors out there sit without an RyJ ready to be fired up. Sir Winston Churchill was a fan, perhaps the brand’s most famous enthusiast, and as we all know, the Romeo brands flagship vitola is named in his honor, with the name is now ubiquitous in the cigar world.
Romeo y Julieta Crafted by AJ Fernandez cigars shipped worldwide.
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