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Acid Cold Infusion, Lancero – Box of 24

Cigar Length
Ring Gauge
Availability: In Stock
Country of Origin

The Acid Cold Infusion cigar is a rare lancero size offering from Drew Estate, a cigar manufacturer renowned for its innovative and eclectic approach to cigar blending, and particularily known for their infused cigars and unique flavor profiles. These unique cigars are hand-rolled at the famed La Gran Fabrica Drew Estate in Estelí, Nicaragua. Master blender Jonathan Drew, whose vision has revolutionized the cigar industry, created the Acid Cold Infusion with a silky Connecticut Shade wrapper, paired with a Nicaraguan binder and filler, resulting in a harmonious blend. The flavor profile is a captivating mix of floral notes, sweet tea, and a hint of honey, with subtle undertones of cream and spice. This cigar has received numerous accolades, including ratings above 90 from Cigar Aficionado, solidifying its place among top-tier infused cigars.

Smoking the Acid Cold Infusion is truly an aromatic experience, with each draw delivering a consistent and pleasing array of flavors. It pairs wonderfully with a light, floral tea or a crisp, citrusy white wine, enhancing the cigar’s unique taste profile.

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Acid cigars are made in Nicaragua with over 140 botanicals, oils and herbs. They come in a variety of shades and shapes. These fine Nicaraguan cigars range from mild to full bodied. Truly unique cigars, unlike anything you have ever smoked.

Acid Cigars are known as the best-kept secret in Nicaragua. Only a handful of outsiders have ever been permitted to enter the unique small cigar factory. Once inside , a half dozen highly trained tobacco blenders work hard, checking and re-checking tobacco blends and raw materials. Over two hundred different herbs and oils line the blending wall leading from the aroma room to the rolling area, which is perched on a large outside deck.

Acid cigars are made by hand, using all natural materials only. Each  Acid cigar has a truly distinct flavor and bouquet, pleasing to the senses of the palate and spirit.

The ACID cigar smoking experience is really like no other in the cigar world. Each cigar blend presents new explorations in the art of tobacco curing and blending, blends that have become among the most guarded secrets within the cigar industry. For 10+ years, cigar fans have sought out ACID cigars into the farthest corners of the world so as to satisfy a desire for something different, something very much one of a kind, that’s unique and inspiring. You have found it in the Acid cigars range. Tastes never before contemplated in a cigar.

Descriptions for the Acid Cigars range:
1400cc: Connecticut Shade wrapper, robusto in glass tubes; creamy with strong aromatic qualities
Atom: Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper; medium-full bodied, rich
Blondie: Connecticut Shade wrapper, small powerhouse cigar; slightly sweet
Blondie Maduro: Mexican San Andrés wrapper, earthier than it’s Connecticut Shade sibling
Blondie Belicoso: Connecticut Shade wrapper, Blondie’s delicious flavor in a larger size
C-Notes(small cigars): Sumatra wrapper, small cigarillos; medium-bodied and rich
Cold Infusion: Connecticut Shade wrapper, lighter, refreshing taste
Deep Dish: Sumatra wrapper, rich, velvety smoke with toasty sweetness
Earthiness: Sumatra wrapper, very full-bodied corona
Extra Ordinary Larry: Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper, huge size; sweet spice flavors
Kong: Cameroon wrapper, cone shaped! great draw
Kuba Deluxe Tubo: Sumatra wrapper, toro-sized Kuba Kuba; smooth and mellow
Kuba Kuba: Sumatra wrapper, fat robusto; medium-bodied
Kuba Grande: A bigger, 6×60 version of the Kuba Kuba
Kuba Kuba Maduro: Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper, a rich twist on an ACID favorite
Liquid: Connecticut Shade wrapper, robusto; fuller, rich taste
Nasty: Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper, short pyramid shaped maduro
Nefasto: Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper, huge version of the Nasty
One: Cameroon wrapper, non-aromatic; torpedo
Roam: Connecticut Shade wrapper, creamy taste with a light aroma
Toast: Maduro wrapper, mild and sweet; rich tobacco notes
Wafe: Sumatra wrapper, a super-thin, box-pressed smoke that’s big on flavor

Attempting to describe the flavors you’ll experience in each of these cigars, is near impossible. The fun part about smoking Acid cigars is making your own observations and deciding what flavors and notes YOU taste while you’re enjoying each stick. So give them all a try, and let us know what you experience with these unique Nicaraguan cigars!

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