Montecristo cigars present the legendary Cuban cigar brand in a smooth Dominican “exile” series that’s a rich-tasting cigar with superb construction with its silky golden wrapper leaf which offers a perfect burn, a wonderfully smooth aroma, and a creamy finish that confirm this as one of the world’s great cigars. As always, all our Montecristo cigars are shipped worldwide.
Montecristo Nicaragua Series Torch Lighter
Made of solid steel with a super high gloss black finish main body with a gunmetal finished brushed steel trigger and flame bay, this compact pocket lighter is Montecristo lighter that you can pick up at a very reasonable price . A super smooth and sleek lighter that displays the classic Montecristo crossed swords logo, that is so famous the world over. A sleek and elegant modern design. The lighter ignites by pressing the trigger, igniting a clean triple-jet torch flame. The flame height is adjusted by an adjustment wheel built into the base, along with the butane refuel nozzle, also recessed into the base.
Questions about Monetecristo cigars and prodcuts? Email us anytime or contact us through any of our social media channels. Worldwide cigar delivery on all Montecristo cigars and prodcuts.
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